Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ask the agent

Many readers dare not ask the agent to explain the key questions. They are confused by the explanation given by the agent. They sent an e-mail to me for advice.

My usual reply is:
> The agent can earns $1,000 or more to sell a life policy to you
> The agent has a duty to explain the product clearly to you
> You should ask for explanation on the Benefit Illustration
> Ask for the explanation in writing
> You should never buy the product, if you are not clear about it

> I am not able to give personal advice to you
> You have to make your own judgement


  1. Yes, it is simply unfair and illogical to expect Mr Tan to be explaining all these. NTUC Income is now paying a new CEO who does not answer your questions 3 times more than the ex-CEO who constantly engages his policyholders. Where is the fairness. All potential policyholders should be directing their questions to the new CEO who is more than adequately compensated for his performance and is duty-bound to answer your queries. Mr Tan is not getting a single cent from NTUC Income and should not be expected to be doing NTUC Income's work now. If you find it difficult to engage the new CEO, then you should be asking yourself why it is so much easier to engage Mr Tan then the new CEO and you should then evaluate whether it is in your interest to proceed. Mr Tan does not represent NTUC Income anymore.

  2. Falcon is right.What Mr. TanKL is doing is providing readers with objective advice not skewed by vested interest. You can see the new management is not interested to answer you except to make you buy more expensive products. The agents are not qualified to answer you either. They are salesmen whose only interest is to sell you as many whole life product or anticipated endowment with cashbacks to qualify for incentive trips or mdrt. Where got time to answer your query.Time is money. Time is incentive trips. Time is mdrt.
    Now only few months left.They have to , by hook or crook, make money from whole life and endowment or any high commission products. Your interest or your needs have to wait, they are not important..
    You have to wait till next year to pose your queries again to these greedy and no conscience salesmen and women
