Sunday, September 07, 2008

Hurricanes in USA

The hurricanes have a name, starting with A, B up to Z using female names. After 26 hurricanes, a new series is started with A, B up to Z using male names. The current names are (male) Gustav, Hanna and Ike.

Gustav (which has just passed) was earlier feared to be as bad as Katrina a few years ago, but it finally did not cause much damage.

The names of the hurricanes alternate between male and female names, starting from A followed by B, etc. Here is a list of names of hurricanes:

1 comment:

  1. This isn't right. It alternates between male and females names. It is only 21 names, and then it goes to Greek letters (hence why one year there was Hurricane Beta, which hit Mexico (I believe).

    Hanna is a female name.
