Monday, September 29, 2008

Template: Letter to Member of Parliament

I suggest that each investor should send this letter to your Member of Parliament. If you know of a few other investors living in the same constituency, you can get together and see your Member of Parliament in the weekly "Meet the People" session. If you see the MP personally, you can convey how you were misled into investing in the structured product and the extent of your financial loss.

To: , Member of Parliament,

1. I write to petition that you, as my Member of Parliament, lobby the Government, particularly the Commercial Affairs Department (Singapore Police Force) and/or the Monetary Authority of Singapore, to conduct a full and independent inquiry in relation to structured products sold by various financial institutions in Singapore. These structured products include the Lehman Minibonds, DBS High Notes, Morgan Stanley Pinnacle Notes and Merrill Lynch Jubilee Notes.

2. I lost my hard-earned savings by investing in one such financial product. The product clearly did not suit my risk profile. I was not made aware of the high risks involved in the financial product when buying the product. I became an innocent victim of misrepresentation by the financial institution that sold me the structured product.

3. I now wish to be assured that I have not been a victim of negligent and/or dishonest conduct and/or fraud by this financial institution. If the inquiry reveals I have, I hope the Attorney-General of Singapore will take action against the financial institution and its management.

4. I also seek your assistance in helping to secure suitable legal representation so that I can get fair and adequate compensation for the injustice I have suffered. The financial institutions are able to afford large and powerful law firms, which I cannot. I hope you can persuade the Government to assist me in seeking legal redress from the Court.

5. Please help me.

Contact number:

Name of product bought:
Name of financial institution involved:


  1. Several of us have already written to our FIs with copy to FIDReC, MP and the MAS. That being the case, is there a need to write a separate letter to the MP? Would this confuse the issue for the MP?

  2. VS, you can use your judgement and discretion. Do what you feel is necessary and useful.

  3. VS,
    I think you better save your time and resources in doing something more productive than writing to the MPs. They won't handle such PERSONAL issues. Look at Serangoon Gardens Foreign Workers Dorm. This is a public issue, SO HOW?? Its back to square one.
