Friday, September 05, 2008

Twisting of existing life policies

Dear Mr Tan,

I am a young, single working adult. I've met up with two financial planners. One is from a reputatble affliated insurance company (X) and another is a independent financial advisor (Y).

X recommends me to buy a limited whole life plan (coverage of 100K) and a private hospitalisation plan and some other riders such asdiability income. The total premiums payable per month is around 250. Previously I've already bought a ILP ffrom X (100k coverage) and I have another 50K coverage from a whole life plan that my parents bought for me since young ($50 per month).

Y recommends me to cancel the 50K whole life plan that my parents bought for me and buy a term plan including HnS for only 100 (coverage of 250k), and invest the rest.

I understand this is in line with your "buy term, and invest the rest" strategy. But do I have to cancel the plan that my parents have been paying since 13 years ago?

And what is your opinion on limited whole life plan?

You should continue your existing policies. Do not terminate them to buy the recommended new policy.

The agents X and Y are trying to "twist" your policy. Read this blog to understand what is "twisting":

If you wish to "but term and invest the difference", you should choose a 20 or 30 year term and not term to 100 years - which is like whole life insurance. The agent is cunning, and is trying to make a sale at your expense.

Avoid the whole life limited payment plan. It is expensive and give poor values. Do not cancel any existing policy to buy a new policy with high charges.

1 comment:

  1. i believe the agent Y recommend him a term plan with HnS of Sum assured of $250K that cost him $100/mth only, not term up to 100 years.

    i suggest you take up the term w/o HnS. A private shield plan (with or w/o rider).

    Do not surrender your existing WL, premium is low & incurred upfront charges already.
