Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Block comments

I have to block anonymous comments that are considered to be defamatory or insulting. These comments are directed at specific persons.

If you wish to state an honest opinion, you should give your real name. I will be willing to allow these comments through.

I like to ask readers to avoid referring to me as "a hero". I have blocked some of these comments. Some people use it in a cynical way. Others may have good intentions, but it is best to avoid this doubt.

Please help to keep this blog clean.


  1. Hi Mr. Tan ,

    You are doing the right thing !

    Those terms like ' hero ' should be avoided though the intention is good.

    We should make use of this platform to make more people aware that we were misled by FI's advertisements & flyers and their RM's verbal explanations e.g. 'toxic structured product' is 'safe product ' .....

  2. As long as your conscience is clear, do not bother about what these "PEOPLE" says. If not for you, I think most of us will be commiting suicide, as there is no one (including our Government & MPs) are willing to take the lead and admit their mistakes! Keep up the good work, Mr Tan !

  3. Here's a tip for everyone.

    It's one that I use when posting comments online: Make sure I'm able to say the exact in the real world to a real person.

    It should help people decide whether their comments are constructive comments or just useless.

  4. Mr. Tan,

    You are the MAN! Good Work and keep it up. The retirees need help.

  5. I think there are alot people out there fear for their "rice bowl". They are just merely "sour grape". I was at Hong Lim the first saturday. There was a five members' family who were asking me about insurance (I have DipLife & ChFC qualifications). In the midst of explaining to them, a lady cut in and told them not to listen to what other people say and took over. I was taken back and I am pretty sure that lady is an insurance agent trying to "snatch" business. There are all sorts of people there.

  6. Mr Tan,

    Hope you can seriously consider start recruiting and attracting good people into your team.

    I am sure there are a lot good and capable people in singapore are willing to join your team and serve the people as long as you are willing to open up to them.

    You can't fight the war alone.

    You can then contest in future election and provide genuine, honest and sincere alternative voice in the parliament.

    It will only do singapore good...

    William Ng
    Best regards

  7. Mr. Tan, I support your action. You are a leader for the helpless investors and also a leader in Singapore affair. May the hardwork you done bring joy and closure to the disgunted. By m

  8. Hi Mr Tan

    You are very right. Keep the line clear. While alleging misrepresentation, steer clear of falling prey to the "defamation" trap. I read the following from a web-site :-

    What is defamation?
    Defamation is any published material that damages the reputation of an individual or an organisation. This covers material on the internet, on the radio, television broadcasts, newspapers and even in dramas and fictional materials.

    What is libel and what is slander? How are they different?
    The fundamental distinction between libel and slander lies solely in the form in which the defamatory statement is made. If the offending statement is made in some fleeting form, as by spoken words or sounds, sign language, gestures and the like, then it is slander. If it is published in more durable form, for example in written words, film, compact disc (CD), DVD, internet blogging and the like, then it is libel.

    What is defamation of goods?
    Defamation of goods (also known as injurious falsehood) is defamation against the goods or services of a company or business. For example, saying that you found a severed finger in a particular restaurant's soup (if it isn't true) is defamation of goods or injurious falsehood.

    What are the elements of defamation?

    The elements that must be proved to establish defamation are:

    a false statement of fact that is understood as being about an identifiable person or group of persons and that statement is tending to harm the reputation of that person; and
    the publication of the statement to a person other than the person being defamed.

    What is "defamation per se"?
    The mere fact that certain types of statements were made and published will result in 'automatic' damages without the need to prove that there has been a loss of reputation. Such statements are called 'defamation per se'. The following statements, if false, are traditionally 'defamatory per se':

    A statement that charges any person with crime, or with having been indicted, convicted, or punished for crime;
    A statement that imputes in him the present existence of an infectious, contagious, or loathsome disease;
    A statement that tends directly to injure him in respect to his office, profession, trade or business, either by imputing to him general disqualification in those respects that the office or other occupation peculiarly requires, or by imputing something with reference to his office, profession, trade, or business that has a natural tendency to lessen its profits;
    A statement that imputes to him impotence or a want of chastity of a women.

    Can my opinion be defamatory?
    No — but merely labeling a statement as your "opinion" does not make it so. Courts look at whether a reasonable reader or listener could understand the statement as an opinion or as asserting a statement of verifiable fact. Dressing up an assertion of fact as an opinion will not make it an opinion. An example of such a 'dressing-up' is the statement that "It's my opinion that Trinity is the prostitute who murdered Frank".

    As a matter of interest, the above should be distinguished from acts alleging / claiming "misrepresentation" on the part of the opposing side of your contractual transaction.

  9. SiewKhim has been protesting that I am blocking all of his comments.

    He has also been posting comments anonymously. The content of these comments came from him (I suspect).

    I hope that he gets the message that he is not welcomed here. He can go elsewhere to post his comments.

    I will now be restricting all future comments to those who have registered with a Google account.

  10. Mr. Tan, I think you have done the right thing.

    There are people too free got nothing to do but to create problem, Instead of helping the Lehman related products victims. What we need to do now is to help the 10,000 Victims and not to talk other thing.

    If people have no intending to help us, please stand away and keep quiet.

    Please, Please, Please don’t create any unnecessary issue Now.

  11. This Siew Khim fellas is a pain in the neck. Stop being childish! If you can't render help at least don't make life difficult for Mr Tan. Count yourself lucky if you are not one of those affected. If you are, I am sure you can't thank Mr Tan enough for doing all these for you. Try to put yourself in his shoe.

    You seem to be having alot of free time to spare. I suggest you do some social service work. You can help in Kwong Wai Shui Hospital, KK Children Centre, Simei Care Centre, Ren Ci Hospital or I can bring you to Buddhist Lodge Temple to help cut vegetables. I will teach you how to churn prayer for the well-being of everyone. Let me know.

  12. Hi Mr Tan,

    Thanks for your help we now see hope.

    My mum bought over 50000 dollars of minibonds.

    I will nominate you for President next year:


    i am sure many here will support me.
