Sunday, October 12, 2008

Blogs for investors

Some investors want to create blogs targeted at certain groups of investors, such as type of product or distributor.

You can create a blog in If you provide the URL of the blog to me, I will help to publicise it in my blog. Be aware that your blog can be read by the public, including the non-investors and the financial institutions.

All the best.


  1. It's better to concentrate all the groups into 1 blog.

    This can be done by setting up a blog at blogger.

    Then the admin just need to give permission to a few group leaders of the different products to write and post.

    That way, it is easier when collective action needs to be taken by all structured product owner.

    But it also becomes a good source of information in future ... when people want to buy structure product, they will go to the blog and check out the ratings of the products.

  2. Hi Mr. Tan,

    I have a site dedicated to Personal Finance and Investing blogs in Singapore. While I'm not targeting any specific groups or products, I'm aiming to create a link to the various Personal Finance and Investing blogs in Singapore.

    I hope that this will create more awareness and raise our financial literacy as well.

