Monday, October 20, 2008

Continue your good work for ordinary citizens

Hi Mr Tan,

Just dropping you a note to tell you that I have been touched by your efforts so far, although I have not been a victim of the minibond mess. I felt it is really important that you see this through.

1) Your words and action carry more weight than mere civic citizens/anon bloggers like us - I think you have lived by your conscience quite unlike most of the establishment.

2) None of our MPs had actually spoken out in support of the people who lost their retirement savings - when most people believe that there are predatory selling and mis-representation on part of the banks RMs.

3) MAS, like most govt agencies, have actually distanced themselves and tried to outsource the work to a "independent 3rd party".

I hope my little note can provide you some encouragement to continue your good work for ordinary citizens like us.



  1. Hi Mr. Tan:

    I know that you have done a lot of good works on the voluntary basis to help the investors who got caught up in mini bond, high notes, jubilee notes and pinnacle notes.

    However, there are always poison-pen writers who question your motives and integrity. Some even suggest that you position yourself for the Elected President post in a few years time.

    I would like to invite you and others to clarify here at Singapore Kopitiam forum:

    Victor Sun
    Singapore Kopitiam - Voice of Singaporeans

  2. Dear Mr Tan,

    Thank you for being a hero to voice the various issues.

    Sincerely with thanks.

  3. People here are like that. When nobody wants to speak up or want to be an alternative voice, they criticise. When somebody speaks up they also criticise. Like that how?

  4. When nobody comes to help the distressed, some people complain. When some kind-hearted soul comes and help, this same group of people say got motive.

    This group of people only gossip because they have nothing to do. They better xxxx off.

  5. You will have my vote if you stand for Elected President post.

    Keep up the good work in helping those affected in this sad saga..
