Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Effort to help the victims

Dear Mr. Tan

I am presently a NTUC income policy holder and I have held policies from income since 2001
I never got to know you cos the closest I ever got to know you was seeing your signature on every NTUC income statements that they send to me year after year.

I am indeed very touched by your effort to help these victims of financial structured products that turned into a total if not partial loss.

I observed how you gather the people at the speaker's corner. I saw how you calm their fears by offering them practically recourses, just like a loving father you assured them and gave them some hope. That speaks a lot about your character and more so you are indeed a good model for every financial professionals to emulate.

You have my full permission to publish my letter in your blog because all these words that was written about you is true.

God bless you , Kin Lian

Yours sincerely
Francis Lim


  1. he is unlike the the new one. the new one only cares for himself how to get the greedy agents to help him boost his career.the new one is uncontactable and behaves like untouchable and he spends like water
    on the agents at the expense of policyholders' interest like good products with good return. the greedy agents are being used willingly and i hope similar fate will come to them like the RMs .

  2. Mr Tan,

    Although I do not know you personally, somehow I still can recall a photo of you as a young man in the Straits Times, sitting next to SM Goh at an event in Marine Parade in the 70s when you were already a grassroots leader.
    Indeed you have a long record of public service and also public views, as voiced frequently through the years in ST forum and now your blog.
    You are also indeed different, a positive exception I would say, among corporate leaders. Nobody, even among those elected leaders, has matched the dedication and drive that you have shown, especially on issues of public concern.
    You deserved to be voted in overwhelmingly should you decide to stand for election for any public office.

  3. Mr. Tan,

    I hope time will prove that you are genuinely sincere in helping those who are weak.

  4. Anon 7.25 pm,
    I agree with you on those parts regarding the new ceo who is more like those greedy bankers who only care about their own salaries and perks and enjoy themselves at the expense of others. It is also very true about him being uncontactable. I think he thinks too highly of himself, and is both arrogant and cunning. That said, however, I do not wish that NTUC Income faces the same fate as those wall street banks as there are many aunties and uncles whose life savings and hopes and dreams for retirement are in NTUC Income's hands. Much as I dislike and detest the new ceo style and lack of substance, I do not wish for it to go bust as the innocent would be harmed. All I can do is tell those whom I know not to buy from NTUC Income and not to vote for those NTUC ministers who are obviously not thinking for the common folks.

  5. Mr Tan
    You are the conscience of Singapore

  6. You know the ntuc suay lim said he received his cpf statement every month, I wonder how, when the rest receive once a year.No wonder he feels rich, capital protected too.Wonder Income life also capital protected now, Feel scary when people say they feel rich when the aunites and the Ah Peks and the Ah Sohs got conned of their retirement

  7. Mr. Tan has solid 35 years contribution to the cooperatives and built it to what it is today, a national icon, double A rated, a trusted brand ordinary folks can relate. People still buy because of this legacy and not because of the unqualified salesmen.
    But unfortunately today the greedy unqualified agents have forgotten him that it was him and nobody else who provided a good living to them. Today, these same agents are biting the hands that fed them, their children, the home and a life style which would not be like what they have now and maybe some of them may have to take jobs behind Mcdonald counters or toilet cleaning.It is real sad that good deeds are forgotten easily.
    Not only them the new management is using his backside skin for their faces claiming credits like AA rating, cooperative values(already lost) affordable insurance products(now products only benefit the agents) as if they were their work.It is really unashamed to claim glory of others' work.I wonder I can use the word plagiarism to describe it.
    This is new money culture where bash,expensive meeting place unlike the modest kreta ayer auditorium, and high commission for dubious products are aggressively promoted. This is the new ntuc with this social purpose of pretentiousness. A pimp masquerading as nobleman

    old ntuc loyalist

  8. Everytime I see him speak on TV I will cringe. It is bad enough when his diction in English is so bad, but even when he spoke in Mandarin it is not reflective of a good education. I am concerned that other countries' citizens will think that this is the best that Singapore can offer, and think that Singapore is devoid of talent. Of course we now know that this is not true. JB Jeyeratnam is obviously a true talent, in every sense of the word. Alas, in Singapore we do not really treasure our talents but instead rope in men whose talents are not really visible.

  9. 4.24am,
    you are having sleeping problem. Imagine blogging at 4.24am, this debacle must have bothered you so much that you are spewing illogical and unsympathetic comments.The same chorus you are repeating shows that it can only come out from a warped mind.

  10. old is good new is bad

  11. he is closing 2 eyes to the activities of top agents who are pushing toxic insurance packages to the policyholders.MAS should investigate these agents before a lot of policyholders get hurt.They can be worse than the RMs because they knowingly committed this unethical practice.You can't beleive the seemingly nice women would stoop to such practice.


  12. Ya, the ceo don't care waht his top agents are doing so long they bring the sales to make the conpnay #1.
    You know the top agents wrap revosave with vvolife to poison the customers and they get 2 commission. How can these top agents do that? 'seepeh chek ark' no conscience. earn so much money to bring to hell, is it? so their loved no need to burn bluff money when they die.sure retributtions for these agents.
    Mas must check them. Dont' become like the Minibomb then too late, many people got burn already. They told me mostly women do these chek ark 'thing and they are the top agents now.But the boss not care , the manager not care all not care but the customers will get bomb one day and it will be no help.
    MAs must catch all the top 30 agents and check for poison package products.

  13. he is telling us that it is safe to be home. He is hinting that foreign inusrance companies not to be trusted. They may go bust.Look at the waste of policyholders' fund, the full page ad
    just to say that. I wonder how much of policyholders' annual bonus go to pay that ad.

  14. i dare to say that the Greatlink Choice offer by Great Eastern is another "minibond" waiting for explosion.

  15. the agents are told to exploit the aig saga. the aia agents to join or the policies to switch .
    This is a low down thing to do.
    i find this company agents boh liow
