Monday, October 13, 2008

Elected President of Singapore

Dear Mr. Tan,

Several people have called you to stand for elected President of Singapore. The country needs a person of integrity and courage to speak for the ordinary people and act as a check and balance against the current Government. You can play this role effectively and will get the support of the people. Will you consider?


  1. Yes, Mr Tan, we need you to run for the President of Singapore election. I promise persuade all my political indifferent friends to vote for you.

  2. We should organise a committee to start our preparation. This is for the future of Singapore and our children and grandchildren. Many people with conscience will support Mr Tan.

  3. Our future President Mr Tan Kin Lian. You will have my support and vote if you were to run for the presidency.

    I am very sure many people will support you.

  4. One vote from me.
    from Smeng

  5. Dear Mr.Tan,
    yes, I believe you as a person with integrity and concern for the society at heart, should stand for Presidency.

    We will definately support you.

    We really need a person who can voice the concerns and interest of the people just like you.

  6. We will definitely support you too!

  7. Mr Tan, our future President

    Go for it. You are the only person of high standing with integrity and selfless.

    Cannot find another one like you in the govt. cos they are so comfortable with their fat paycheck to bother.


    Your firm supporter.

  8. I heard from someone who said "President" is equivalent to "Puppet". He has no power to make decisions or rule the people.
    I think you are more suitable for the post of prime minister. Then, you could promptly put things right.

  9. Mr Tan,

    Support you to contest the next Presidential election in 2011. At the same time maybe also to advise you to study past case histories, eg the Andrew Kuan saga in 2005.

  10. Dear Mr. Tan,

    I'm very proud of someone like you who is willing to stand out selflessly for the weak.

    I hope you can become our next Prime Minister.

  11. I fully support you to run for the next Presidential election

  12. Singasoft, don't double talk lah. You have been criticising Mr Tan online in various blogs. Now suddenly become very proud. you doublesing or what? Bollocks!!!

  13. Mr Tan shld run for Prime Minister. President has no power to change things not right into right, order the FI to compensate and punish whoever approve those structured products to be sold to retail investors. But first he must get into PAP. How to do that?

  14. To be a Prime Minister, one need to have majority seats in the parliament. It is not easy to secure more then 41 seats in next general election. It is better to go for the post of President. Mr Tan must make sure that you don't have any "black mark" in your career record. Otherwise those shamless people will dig it out and embrass you.

  15. go for it! We need someone like you

  16. Mr Tan, maybe you should join the opposition instead. Todate no one has tabled this topic for Parliament discussion. Maybe our MPs are still asleep. It is normal. If something good happen, everyone will wake up and take credit

  17. Mr Tan should do an 'Anwar' - form a strong opp party and be voted into Parliament - gradually form the government - by 2026!

  18. Mr Tan, will you rule out making a bid for the presidency in 2011? Or are you keeping an open mind at this moment? Appreciate your response. thanks.

  19. Hi Everlearning,

    I think u had better withdraw what you have said about the president being a puppet.

    I am sure u don't want to spend the night in prison. They might take u in using the ISA.

    Moreover, you didn't read the newspapers on Mr Chee Soon Juan gotta pay up almost $1m to PAP today??

  20. Mr Tan should form a political party on his own. Maybe called it "Saving Singaporean Party" or SSP.

    Mr Tan has been doing so much for us Singaporean for many years.

    You are my IDOL Mr Tan.

  21. I am not challenging the Government or defaming the President.
    I am not a threat to the PAP rule because I am a nobody, no credentials, no titles whatsoever.
    What I said was from hearsay.
    But I would like to say that the role plays by PM is far more challenging than a President. And it is a tougher calling.
    Please don't scare me because I am a scaredy cat. Besides, I don't have this kind of money. I surely opt for the jail term.

  22. Prime Minister is more than just speaking for the people. He needs to steer Singapore ahead in this globablised world

  23. The question is whether Mr Tan fulfils the strict criteria to contest the 2011 presidential race? Any constitutional experts here?

  24. no need to trouble so much, i think it will be a waste of time. It will take too much efforts and time.

  25. I understand one of the criteria is the potential candidate must head an organisation that is worth $100million.

    I think Mr Tan more than fulfill it.

    I dont think there are any other criteria.


  26. John said: "I understand ONE of the criteria .... "

    Then he ended by saying: "I dont think there are ANY OTHER criteria."


    In any case, its for the three wise men to determine if the applicant receives the COE (certificate of eligibility). Besides the quantifiable qualifications, there are some criteria (such as man of integrity and of good character) which are pretty subjective.

    Best wishes.

  27. One of the criteria for an elected President is:

    has for a period of not less than 3 years held office —

    (iii) as chairman of the board of directors or chief executive officer of a company incorporated or registered under the Companies Act (Cap. 50) with a paid-up capital of at least $100 million or its equivalent in foreign currency

    I'm not sure if NTUC Income is registered as a company?

  28. Go for me as a new president of singapore.
