Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Facilities at Speaker's Corner

1. Can we use the stage, instead of the grass mound?
The stage belongs to the community center. I asked the manager, but he told me that it is not available for booking for the purpose of giving a speech.

2. What are the contingency plan in case of rain?
Bring an umbrella. Wait for the rain to stop.

3. Can we book an indoor auditorium or hall?
It is quite expensive. Can cost $2,000 or more. We do not have the budget.

4. Can we use a sound system?
The NParks does not allow a sound system.


  1. Sad state of affairs in Singapore.

  2. What about booking a hall at the CC?

    This is really ridiculous!!!. Building a stage and yet restricting the usage????. Whether it is used 100 times in a year or just one time in a year, the infrastruture is there. Why make things difficult for people other than those on OFFICIAL business - you know what I mean by OFFICIAL. It is not as though someone has booked it. It is really sad that this is happening in Singapore. I think the person in charge don't have to follow the book all the times. Please, use a little bit of your intelligence and discretion to decide who is allowed to use the stage. I am sure you don't have to ask the relevant authority (if I am not wrong, it should be the Peoples' Association)for permission. I am appealing to you to please reconsider Mr Tan's request. It is for a good cause to help the innocent people who are been cheated. Count yourself lucky if you are not one of them.

  4. Can MAS help by opening up their auditorium? This is the LEAST they can do to help investors!! So far, they haven't anything credible at all.

  5. This is our gahmen's version of "Free Speech" lo. They "allow" free speech but handicap you in other ways.
    So it's like saying:
    "Sure you can have free speech but you cannot use your mouth to talk"

  6. To anony at 11.26pm

    Cut the CC people some slack.

    If the CC had allowed Mr Tan to use the stage, you should know what would happen to the person in charge..

    So, the underlying issue is the climate.
    It's like you are a security guard working in a company, you know your boss don't like people to park their cars near his "unofficial" spot, you let them park.. You see whether you will get queries from your supervisor.

  7. maybe podcast the recorded on your blog.
