Monday, October 27, 2008

Husband's objection

Dear Mr Tan,
It is really kind of you to spend so much time and energy to help the unfortunate people who bought Mini Bonds and High Notes. My relationship manager from ABM Ambro too approached me many times to buy the Lehman minibond.

Do not let nasty comments discourage you and just focus on the truth. Many of us are greedy and I escaped the noose only because of my husband's objection.


You are fortunate to have a husband who is knowledgeable. Many people were badly advised by the sales representative and did not have a family member to advised them on the risk.


  1. Bring L. Bros's CEO to singapore for a court hearing

  2. EO - I dont think u shd label us greedy. These are products pushed by the banks n they say these are new innovative ways - forget abt FD. We got nothing to loose - worst u get back your capital. Fair enough, we either get the 4-5% or nothing. If we r greedy we wd hv gone for those proclaiming 30% returns. This is what they offer and the mistake we made is we believed them - trust our banks indeed!

  3. I read the prospectus and I did not invest in any of the products because I felt that the rate of return was terrible, and everyone focused on the upside but no one looked at the then-guaranteed portion.
