Friday, October 10, 2008

Lehman Bond Probe Widens

Wall Street Journal
Friday October 10, 2008

Lehman Bond Probe Widens


HONG KONG -- The Hong Kong Monetary Authority said Thursday it is investigating nine banks over sales of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. "minibonds" that sparked protests from investors who said they were duped into thinking their money was safe.

The HKMA has received 7,730 complaints about the minibond sales and has opened 41 investigations, HKMA Deputy Chief Executive Y.K. Choi told a news conference.

Mr. Choi said the regulator supports a proposal for banks to buy back the products at market value, which would be less than what they were sold for, and he said some banks have backed that idea as well.

Mr. Choi didn't identify the banks being investigated or provide figures for money lost by investors who invested in the structured products known as minibonds, which allegedly were marketed as secure bonds.

Mr. Choi said the HKMA might consider whether to stop retail banks from selling structured products like the Lehman minibonds and leave such dealings to professional investment consultants.

Investors have staged protests, with some complaining they lost millions of Hong Kong dollars in the minibonds tied to Lehman Brothers, the former Wall Street powerhouse that filed for bankruptcy protection last month.

One protest was held Wednesday outside the headquarters building of Bank of China Ltd.'s Hong Kong unit, BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Ltd., with a group of investors going inside at one point to meet with bank officials.

A BOC Hong Kong spokeswoman, Carol Tam, said Thursday the bank had sold Lehman Brothers structured products. Ms. Tam said she wasn't aware of the bank being investigated but that it would cooperate with authorities if asked.

Mr. Choi said if irregularities are uncovered by the investigations , the HKMA will refer the matter to the Securities and Futures Commission.


  1. Why all the actions happen in HK only? SAD.
    Where have all our good people gone to?

  2. Singaporean belived that Slience is Gold, maybe Diamond. Unlike Hong Kong.

    Singaporen already used to it. It is an painful experience, let move it on and forget it.

    It has been happened so many time. History just repeated.

    What can you do, if you just depend on a few people and the rest just standing and waiting to see what happening?

  3. 雷曼前僱員:為攻零售 迷債包裝扭曲信息
    (明報)10月13日 星期一 05:05
    【明報專訊】雷曼迷你債券引發的重大損失,除了禍及本港小投資者,新加坡 和台灣 也有人「中招」,偏偏英、美投資者卻安然無恙。這是由於英、美監管要求較諸亞洲嚴謹?抑或另有因由? 早年曾在紐約 和倫敦 雷曼工作、專責分析結構產品的黃元山認為,這與法規沒有直接關係,反而是因為監管機構在實際執行上更加嚴格,加上英美發行商從一開始就不會想到賣給散戶,造成了兩個截然不同的結果。

    黃元山接受本報記者訪問時指出,英國 和美國 的法規要求,其實與本港相差無幾,監管機構也沒有明文禁止哪類投資產品不可售予散戶。然而,在實際執行時,英、美可能較本港嚴格,因兩地之前都出現過重大的違規銷售(mis-selling)風波,「凡是經過重大事故,監管機構把尺,都會收得緊一些,正如這次迷債事件,日後證監會 和金管局 ,都會在這類產品銷售上,睇緊一點。」







