Thursday, October 09, 2008

Media interviews on Petition

The following media interviewed me regarding the Petition that was handled to MAS:

> Channel News Asia (Channel 8)
> Mediacorp Radio
> The Online Citizen (

I have been quite frank in replying to the detailed questions from the media. Please watch TV and listen to the radio about the inteviews.


  1. Did CNA mentioned when it will be broadcasted?

    How come no chinese paper came to you as a lot of mis-selling was done to retirees that only read chinese papers?

    As for mediacorp radio, which station? Any Chinese station?

  2. The Chinese papers have covered this topic before. They translate from my blog.

    Channel NewsAsia is also covering for Channel 8. They will translate my point into Chinese. They are looking for elderly investors who are willing to be interviewed in Chinese.

    If you know of any investor willng to be interviewed, please contact the journalist Kwok Wai at

  3. Mr Tan, saw you on TV and really touch by your sincerity and unconditional help given to victims like us! Really thank GOD for you and look like you are the only person who is willing to sacrifice your precious time and effort to stand up for us. So much say about MiniBonds and retirees, do we the investors on High Note 5 and working literate class stand a chance to recover our hard earned $ as well??

  4. I watched Channel 8 (6.30pm) and also Channel U (9.00pm). I think Channel 8's 10 pm News will also cover the event. Well done, Mr Tan.

  5. Dear Kin Lian,
    Your TV interview today on investors' petition to the Gov't is very impressive. It touches the heart of each structured product investor. You have made tremendous efforts for a good cause. Hundreds of investors will rally round you at the Speaker's Corner this Saturday. Keep up with your great spirit, please!!

  6. Dear Mr Tan,
    I admire your courage to speak up for investors who are suffering in silent. We need to have more people like you to stand for investors who have been bought financial products without any understanding what are they buying into and in the end lost all their life hard earn money. Thanks and Bravo to you...

  7. Straits Time published two MPs will raise issue in Parliament on the plight of jobless foriegn workers with work permit. Why no MP so far has publicly come out and say we will raise this issue of misrepresentation on the sale of credit linked securities in Parliament. Is it not that nearly a thousand of Sporeans cries of misrepresentation by FIs resulting in loss of their saving warrants a voice in the Parliament? Why only the plight of foriegn workers why not the plight of aggrieved Singaporeans losing their retirement funds and life saving ???

  8. 1000 foreign worker dorm problem is more important than 1000 singaporean's petition.

    For the 1000 foreign worker dorm problem, the gov is acting very swiftly. Their MP make the effort to visit house to house to ally the resident's fear.
    They are even willing to spend 2 million to build new road for the dorm's lorries.

    As for 1000 singaporean's petition, they ask you to complain to bank. They ask bank to setup complain channel. They ask bank to settle quickly. They ask bank to appoint 3rd party.
    They wait and see.

    The MP comes out to say 'put in CPF'. The MP say cannot 'over-regulate'.

    They blame on lack of investor education.
    They blame on failure to read fine print.
    They blame on the economy.

    In short, they don't believe banks mis-sell anything.
    They don't believe the financial adviser never mis-led you.
    They don't believe that banks never explain everything to you.
    They don't believe that you do not understand the prospectus.
    They don't believe they have approved any dangerous product.
    They don't believe you are not greedy.

    You sign on the dotted line. You go and sort it out yourself.

  9. Mr Tan,

    I saw the coverage on Channel 8 and Channel News Asia. You did a great job, thank you.
