Monday, October 06, 2008

Meet the Member of Parliament

The following people have volunteered to contact other investors in the same district to meet the Member of Parliament at the "Meet the People" session

12 Ho ES
14 Lee SK
15 Zhou
31 Anne Chua
32 Allan Kon
35 Alex Choo
52 Johnson Lee
53 H L Soh
54 Eunice Teo
55 Felicia Chua
65 Irene
73 Melvin

You can go to this website to find your MP.


  1. I am from postal sector 12. No one has contacted me yet. Also no reply, not even acknowledgment from MP to my email...sad.

  2. Is 73 Melvin the coordinator for Woodlands?

  3. hi i m the contact person for postal 12 and also hong leong minibonds...pls call me at 96849751(Daphne Phua)...i m arranging to meet the MP...

  4. May I know what is the postal sector for Fernvale Road (at Sengkang but belong to AMK GRC)? Please call me at 97323347 (David Lee). Thanks alot!

  5. Dear Mr Tan,

    I really appreciate what you have done for the general public on the issue of Mini-Bond and the new bonus pilicy of NTUC Income.

    I fully agreed with you about your comments on MRT. I recalled that about a month ago, 2 members of the PTC commented that thru their "Personal Experience" in taking the public transport, they do not agree that our public transports are too crowded. I wonder how aften these members travelled on public buses or MRT and at what time of the day? PTC also commented that the objective of removing 84 seats from some of the trains was to give passengers more space. However, SMRT CEO Miss Saw was subsequently commented on TV that the objective was to "pack in more people because everyone wants to travel", I wonder who is telling the truth objective.
