Sunday, October 19, 2008

New list of investors sorted by distributor

I am sending out today and tomorrow, the new list of investors sorted out by distributor (i.e. bank or finance company).

I hope that leaders can come forward from each group to contact the other investors and organise meetings for the investors to get together. It is better to communicate according to the distributor, as follows:

1. To help write the statement of claim
2. To help lodge the statement with the financial institution
3. To accompany each other for the interview with the institution
4. To discuss collective legal action

Will the leaders send your particulars to me, i.e. name, e-mail address and contact number (optional). I will publish your particulars for other investors to contact you.

Investors who have not provided the name of their distributor can send an e-mail to to update your particulars.


  1. Mr Tan,
    so far I guess only less than 20% have petitioned and less so have lodge complaints. Can u ask MAS to release all the 10000 investors contacts? We want to gather all these investors and take whatever action together. I believe a lot of the remaining 80% are in vulnerable group. Does it mean they won't be compensated since they don't lodge complaint?

  2. I was again at the Speaker's Corner last nite looking for investors who bought minbonds from OCBC Securities but again could not even find one of them . Please do email me ur list .

  3. 7:52pm I was at speakers corner and there is a group of ocbc securities gathering there. About 10-20 people and they had a signboard thst says ocbc securities
