Sunday, October 12, 2008

Speaker's Corner - 11 October 2008

Coverage in The Online Citizen, including special video interviews and comments by readers:


  1. Dear Mr. Tan:

    Thank you very much for organizing the activities at the Speakers Corner yesterday. I was there. In fact, on Page 4 of today’s Zao Bao captured me in the center as the only guy with a smile listening to you – a smile only Chinese can understand because it is called a bitter smile:-(

    I particularly like your idea of setting up the sign posts for similar investors to get together. I think you have done a great job in helping people who were misled – down to the details of getting a lawyer who is willing to do an affidavit for very little money.

    After your speech, I led an impromptu discussion there with a group of at least 50 people to see if we could find volunteers to work on a safety net besides (and complements) the complaint/legal main route. What I meant is I would love to see we have similar work in progress like in Hong Kong – meaning their MAS, Financial Institutions and MiniBond investors are working together towards selecting a buyer who can return 60 cents (or more) to the investors. It seems like Hong Kong is progressing faster than Singapore in this regard – but I believe we can catch up if we put in more resources.

    I am willing to help and so are a few people I talked to. How can we help?

    I know we have representative who met with MAS along the line of petition and misled. I don’t know mindshare is given to the buyback alternative – and if so, would be great to publicize in the newspaper or something because I feel really sorry for a lot of the folks there who lost their life time savings.



  2. Mr Tan Kin Lian, Mr Patrick,

    I am one of those that heard Mr Patrick discussed with several at Hong Lim last Sat. I believe they can contribute very positively to our cause and I hope Mr Tan Kin Lian and Patrick can link up together.
