Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Unconditional help from volunteers

Many people thanked me for spending time and effort to help the investors of the structured products.

I wish to acknowledge the unconditional help given by many volunteers who came forward to assist me. I shall not mention their names, but tell you what they have been doing:

> volunteers who provide guidance and deal with specific issues of investors
> volunteers who help at Speaker's Corner
> contact persons for the various groups (by distributor or product)
> strategy team who understakes various types of tasks
> volunteers who monitor the internet for news and contribute updates for me
> volunteers who translate my article into Chinese.

These volunteers came forward without being asked. Some are investors, others are not. They do what they consider to be useful. This is called UNCONDITIONAL HELP.


  1. Minor spelling mistakes :

    volunteers who provide GUIDANCE
    volunteers who HELP
    translate my article into CHINESE

  2. Thank you for thanking me. I'm not affected by the saga.

    My help in small ways is the least I can do when I see someone like you offering so much to help others, unconditionally.

    On behalf of the lower educated elderlies who have been affected and do not have the benefit of the internet, may I thank you for giving them hope.
