Sunday, October 12, 2008

UOB Structured Notes

Mr. Paul Ly <> wishes to contact other investors who have involved in the UOB Structured Notes. Please contact him directly by e-mail.


  1. UOB has products linked with lehman??

  2. In July there was one, not Lehman but Merrill Lynch. It is the SGD 3 Year Principal Protected Inflation Theme Fixed Income Note at 3.5% pa.(with upside) and min amount is $200K
    and promoted to Privilege Banking clients. But it also stated clearly it may involve a high degree of risk.
    So you see, even for just 3.5% return, it is also so risky.
    I think a lot of richer folks are also suffering. Anybody care to share on the fate of the above?

  3. Yes, at least the Pinnacle Note series 6 & 7 that I know of. Mr. Paul, what is your intention to gather such investors?

  4. Mr Paul Ly,

    Are you referring to UOB or UOB Kay Hian (who is a distributor for minibond, Pinnacles and several others)?

  5. I was misled by UOB Relations Manager that this Tranche III note is just like a fixed deposit with little risk involved. The only risk is early termination of notes. I purchased the notes in end July 08 and would like to cancel even with a loss of few thousands. But to my surprise, my Relations Manager left UOB and my new Relations Manager persuaded me not to terminate. Now within 2 months, the marke valuation drops by more than 26k. Can anyone help?
