Sunday, October 19, 2008

Volunteers to write statement of claim

I wish to look for volunteers to help the investors write their statement of claim. There are a few thousand statements to be written. Some may see a lawyer, but the lawyers may not be able to cope with the volume of requests.

The statement will be based on the questions contained in section 1 of this paper:

If you volunteer, please send your particulars (i.e. name, e-mail address, telephone number, and postal code, language) to I will put your particulars for the investors to contact you. I will also arrange a briefing to the volunteers on how to write the statement.

Please come forward to help.

Here are the volunteers
Soh Poh Huat,, 96826130, PD 520341, English, Hokkien
Rachel Chung,, 9846 6598
Yong Shan Chie,, 96931951, PD 128712

A few people have suggested that y ou can approach your MP and ask for his or her help to prepare your statement. You can follow the guidelines to make sure that the relevant points are covered.


  1. Ask our MP to write, they should provide the service to those in need.

  2. Dear Mr Tan,
    Apologies, I tend to agree. Ask all the investors to approach their MPs. Afterall they are well paid, they must be aware of the seriousness of the problems otherwise they thought what you are currently doing is just 'making noise'. This is one area we can assess how good our MPs are? Pro FIs or citizen MP

  3. 6:36PM has a good point. The MP can help to write the letter which will add much weight to the complaint. In the process they get to understand the situation and plight of their constituents

  4. Yes, there is already so much injustice in Singapore. Those who are paid well are not doing their job. Those who are not paid are working their butts out. Our MM then say there is no talent in Singapore and so must import from other countries. Does he not know that those he employed are not as talented as those that he did not employ? Why is this so? Why are those who are more talented not paid to do the job where they can do better than those who are so well paid to the extent that we have to import foreigners?

  5. hi Mr Tan,

    Think its abit 'risky' to disclose the volunteer's number on the blog.

    Better to set a place for the investors to find the volunteers to sign the forms...


  6. Dear Mr Tan
    Personally I agree with DT, not to put the volunteers names online. As you know, they could be the next 'victim'. Can I suggest the names keep confidential. Those interested to write to send their particulars. If not these volunteers may get lots of 'crank' calls.

  7. Hi,
    I believe that the volunteers can handle the crank calls (if any). If not, they can ask for their telephone numbers to be taken off.

    Many people knows my telephone number (which is available from the telephone book).

  8. I am also in the opinion that we can seek the help from the MPs and I suppose there shall be sufficient financial expects in CCC, CCMC, RC and any other grassroot org able to express the concern of the victims to FIs.

  9. When SC Yong sent an email to volunteer for this task, I called and asked him if it is all right to print his telehpone. He said, "Why do I ask?"

    I said, "Is it all right for people to call you, and you get nuisance call?"

    He thinks that the risk is small. Anyway, if it becomes a problem, he can ask for the telephone number to be removed.

    I spoke to DT and said, "Don't worry unnecessary. Let us try it out and fix it, if it becomes a problem. Some people find the telephone number to be convenient to call, instead of sending an e-mail".
