Saturday, November 08, 2008

Has MAS responded to the 3 petitions?

Someone asked if MAS has responded to me on the three petitions. I will give an update at the next meeting in Hong Lim Park on 15 November 2008.


  1. Mr. Tan,
    Welcome back to Singapore.

  2. Hi Mr. Tan,

    Could you please let us know what you have covered in Hong Lim Park regarding the 3 earlier petitions?

    Worried Investor

  3. Dear Mr Tan, plse also advise if anyone has confirmed taking up the role of Lehman Brothers? We know there were 3 parties keen to consider about 2 weeks back. But after that, it's dead quite, so it's worrying..Henry

  4. Who needs MAS?
    All the other countries' watchdog are helping the conned victims, Our watchdog is only helping the bank. Don't depend on MAS.

  5. KL, I think you mean update on 15 Nov 2008, right?

  6. MAS is the root cause of all this saga !! You think they will help the investors ?? You think they will be slap their own face ??

  7. Help or no help, PAP will still be in power. They just simply accept your petitions and also let you people release steam in Hong Lim Park.

  8. Don't understandd why MAS is aftraid to enforce the law against the FIs and RMs.Wonder if there is conflict of interest. For manny years despite common knowledge that RMs and insurance agents , banks and insurance companies committed unethical practices and cheating nothing is taken against them. What is wrong with MAS?
    Inusrance agents are getting bolder soliciting and product pushing at MRT, malls and roadsides.Have MAS sent mystery shoppers to check on them and to book them?

  9. Anon 9.19 pm,

    Where got time? MAS got better and bigger things to do. If you people got conned and suffered, so what? Just take it as a lesson lah. As long as economy grows, weak opposition and nobody dare to protest outside Hong Lim, everything is OK.

  10. Some of the pitches here are getting more and more irrelevant now that the FIs are certainly NOT doing anything.

    Its time to pack bag and head home.
    Wherever that is.

  11. One thing for sure is that not many people will trust the RM or personal banker. Now, I just the bank teller when they ask me to diversify my money.

  12. MAS & investors like us may not be aware that this is an ingenious & elaborage scam schme by Lehman Brothers! I invested in the Series 5 which currently the Trustee is in talks with other FIs to be the next Counterparty. The Trustee is supposed to finalise details last week with MAS oversight but to-date nothing has come out of it. You may wish to remind MAS on the matter on behalf of the investors. Thanks for all your help & tireless effort so far. We need more righteous & concerned citizen like you to voice the investors' plight now that the Government & MPs have abandon their role to fight for justice!!
