Friday, November 21, 2008

Much to learn from American politics

When John McCain lost the election, he gave a magnanimous speech conceding defeat and pledging to work with Barack Obama as "my President".

In turn, Obama acknowledged McCain's long record of dedicated public service to America. He pledged to work with McCain.

Obama met with McCain a few weeks later to discuss how they can work together to solve America's problems.

Here is a country with 60 times the population and talent pool of Singapore. They know how to work together to find the best people to solve their problems.

In Singapore, we have a limited talent pool. We need to find a way to tap the best of our limited talents. We should rely on our local talents, instead of foreignt talents who do not have a long term interest of our nation.


  1. I think that analysis, tho mean well, fell a bit short in term of depth

    First they spent tens of millions, if not hundreds, to get thru a 2-3yr campaign.
    Surely theres too many major stakeholders of the losing campaign side that still hope to salvage whatever 'prospects for their donated campaign dollars'. McCky is simply under pressure to 'smile and shake hands'

    Bama is also under pressure to 'smile and shake hands' becos he knows alone him and his party cant get the things done effectively if the other hand keeps avoiding, even denouncing clapping altogether.

    That said, Westerners in general do exhibit a stronger ability to compartmentalise matters, they can tell themselves this event is over, so they should focus better on another set of priorities, Especially when that set will adversely affect all mutual parties once its let out of sight, out of control.

    But all these take a different social-cultural growth stint than asia, so it might be a really long time before we see anything close resemblance.

    In Asia, when 'Money not enough', its mostly 'None of my business'.

  2. Sir - Instead of asking if we can accept a non chinese as prime minister, I think our prime minister should ask if the main political party can ever accept our opposition parties with at least some graciousness not to say to expect the extent of maturity and magnanimousity shown by Obama/McCain towards each other. In our case, the opposition are viciously attacked and demolished during the election. A good example is what they have done to JBJ.

  3. Mr Tan,

    I admire your tenacity in helping the helpless. You have the heart, the compassion and the empathy. You have been a career man and you are a virtuous family man. That I feel are your strongest points.

    I don’t mean to sound crude or rude, but although you meant well, I don’t think you have understood foreign politics (in this case US politics) as well as you have understood local and grassroots issues.

    On the point of Obama and McCain – America’s politics are no different from Singapore’s. It only looks like a 2 party system. Actually, there is only one.

    Note that McCain was very war-hawkish. Obama sounded like he was willing to pull out of Iraq BEFORE the elections. Now, it looks like he is being run aground.

    In the end, it does not matter who was elected. The people behind the whole US government machinery wants to keep the “America controls the world” policy. Hence, they worked towards candidates that will somehow or the other, see that the wars are continued, if not escalated.

    Does it make any difference if McCain or Obama won? I would say yes, but only minor changes. The major policies will remain the same.

    The same policies on wars will continue in Iraq and Afghanistan. The same unfriendly attitude towards Russia will continue. The same interference along Russia’s borders will also continue.

    The change Obama will bring is minor. He can’t stop the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. He can’t stop the resurgence of the Cold War with Russia. Both of which, the American government would like to see escalated.

    The Democrats and the Republicans are actually controlled by one party and one party alone. America’s politics is actually like Singapore. It is like choosing PAP Party #1 or PAP Party #2. Party 1 is headed by LKY, Party 2 is headed by LHL.

    Choose Party #1 and you can expect a hawkish head more interested in talking about race politics, including interfering with our Northern neighbours’s affairs like the bumi status.

    Choose Party #2 and you can expect a friendlier attitude towards Malaysia, but the same policies will still continue.

    Don’t you think so? The only difference is that Malaysians will hate Red Dot a little more if it is headed by LKY than by LHL. Am I not right?

    So what is the difference for Singaporeans choosing PAP Party #1 and PAP Party #2? The same difference for Amercians in choosing between a Obama or McCain. Many would have hated America a little more if McCain had won.

    In the end, whether it is Obama or McCain, you are still choosing a leader with the same major policies. Nothing much will change.

    Again, I don’t mean to sound rude, but I think you are much better in judging local and grassroots issues. Leave the “democratisation” of Singapore to TOC. You are doing a good job helping the ground.

  4. Yes, we have a much smaller talent pool yet our govt chose to sideline them and welcome foreigners. This policy is definitely wrong from every angle.
    Imagine if every available Singapore talent is used for our country interests then Singapore will be stronger than it is today.
    Instead of the ungracious approach we have adopted and forcing Singaporeans to either migrate or turn toxic, our govt should embrace every Singaporean for no other reason then for the fact that he or she is a son or daughter of Singapore.
    Singapore will benefit from it.

  5. Singapore solution is to get as much talent and as fast as possible. What choice except to get ready made and available foreign "talents" from the whole wide world. Need to be paid millions for thinking up this solution?

    Just like some local men who could not get young pretty local women as wife. Solution? Go for Vietnamese one, readily available at "showroom".

    But with economic downturn, even demand for these at "showroom" also falls.

    Same for the foreign "talent".

    In fact many even live to regret getting them, whether it is for wife or for the top CEO post.
    There are many in the news, if you have read and observed in the papers.

  6. They are smart cos they Move hundred of millions in and knows how to pop up index and they move out fast before things fallen apart. They sync with WOlrd control media and every hour bombard you with sudden good news and sudden Bad news.

    The know how to torture you mentally.

    We place billions out there with detail investment contracts, their holes get bigger and bigger and we said long term.

    When you are loser, you get slaps on top....
