Thursday, November 20, 2008

NTUC Income shares

Hi Mr Tan,

I would like to seek your advise with regards to the Income Shares which i had 'invested' in. Are these shares safe to hold on in the midst of the financial meltdown?

While I had trust in NTUC, I'm just afraid the monies collected by Income could be used to invest in junk derivatives and erode Income's financial position.

Would you be able to offer your advise? Many thanks for your time, and do continue the fighting spirit!


It should be safe. I also have shares in Income and will keep them during the financial crisis.


  1. It pays 6% dividend or more every year since 2004. It also gives bonus shares every 5 years. Also the share price is fixed unlike stock market.

    So far it seems too good to be true but it is true.

  2. That's a good return. Seriously, how to buy it? =)

  3. It seems like it is no longer available?

  4. No wonder Income par policies are giving such lousy returns. So much has been given out to shareholders.

    This is outright unacceptable. Perhaps another petition at Hong Lim is required to restore back the returns for policyholders. Policyholders have been cheated by Income's cooperative shareholders!!!

  5. I have Income shares as well. There was one year recently (I think it was 2007) when they paid 8% dividends! If I am not wrong, I think Income has stopped issuing bonus shares. You see, the year of the exceptional 8% payout was the year they were supposed to pay bonus shares.

    Yes, they have also stopped selling Income shares. There's a long waiting list of a thousand or more people wanting to buy the shares. They will have to wait for the existing shareholders to sell their stakes or for Income to issue more shares. I am not sure if either scenario is likely to happen.

  6. So now you know where the profit has gone to. NTuC claims shareholders are policyholders but the richer policyholders can buy shares and larger part of the profit goes to the richer policyholders. Where is the fairness.? Where is the equitable distribution? Vast majority of policyholders are supposed to be lower income man in the street. Have they benefited? So the small minority benefit more.
    Cooperative values?. Cooperatives suck.

  7. It's only the new management that don't treat policyholders well. During Mr Tan Kin Lian's time both shareholders and policyholders are treated well. Please take note.
