Sunday, November 02, 2008

Political ambitions?

Some people commented that I have political ambitions. This question has been raised by journalists before. I have given my replies here:


Today paper

I am already 60 years old and have more than enought savings to take care of my future needs and my family. I do not need to have "political ambitions" for my personal benefit.

I will continue my efforts until the mis-selling of the structured products is resolved satisfactorily.


  1. How about having political ambitions for the better future of Singapore?

    There exist no great leader after MM Lee Kuan Yew.

  2. Singapore need someone like you to be a president.

  3. he could have been one but sadly he is squandering the greatness little by little

  4. In fact a lot of people wish that u have political ambition.

    U have a greater task ahead.

    Cos we really need u to attract good capable people and form a good team to offer constructive,honest and genuine alternative views to the govt.

    We need u to come out and lead.

    For the sake of the future generations of singaporeans, pls seriously consider.


  5. Mr Tan, pls continue the good work for the people.

    The establishment is worried that you have won the hearts of the common people for your good deed, and pose a threat against their prefered candidate should you decide to stand for the next president election.

    They only have themselves to blame for not coming out to help the victims.

  6. Mr Tan,

    Do not let the media upset you with their questions. Our journalists always have the illusion that they write fair and unbias reports but sadly they don't. We have all read Lorna's article in The Sunday Times about investors failing to own up their responsibility but I have yet to read any reporters who dare write any article about the FI senior management's responsibility.

    By the way, there's nothing wrong even if you have political ambition. In my humble opinion, you have done more than any of our elites and had shown courage stronger than steel. To me that's all that matters. Perhaps those "journaist" are just so well paid that they couldn't imagine anyone doing what you are doing for nothing.

    Nicholas Loh

  7. I will cast my votes for u.

    With no second thought.

    No matter which party u decided to stand for.

    I respect your decision.

  8. You are indeed protraying the servanthood spirit which is much required in a leader, which sadly is lacking in most of our current political leaders.

  9. I think it is less stressful to be a private citizen compared to a public figure. Life itself and making money to earn a living is already so stressful enough... why give oneself more problems to be in the public limelight? You get it right, you are supposed to since we taxpayers pay you so much. You get it wrong, God help you.

    Anyway, that's my own take of life. Everybody is different and entitled to their own opinions =)

  10. I do not think it is good for Mr Tan to be involved in Singapore Politics. You will be pressured to "sing the same song" if you are PAP and you are "waiting to be sued" if you are in opposition parties. We cannot lose such a righteous person like Mr Tan who take his own risk now for many of us..... He cannot fight for us if he is President, right?...


  11. I think if Mr Tan runs for president and he is qualified to do so, he would defintiely press for more transparency and accountability in financial maters which is lacking at the moment.

    He has also shown that he has the common people at heart and would stand up for the "small people".

  12. Alot of us think that Mr Tan is good as a President but the government may not think so. I do not think that after what had happened, it is gonna be easy for Mr Tan if he is elected into office. I believe Mr Tan is not interested to be a politician. It is better to be a commoner than go into politic. Why bring unnecessary problem upon oneself. At his age of 60, he should be enjoying life and free to do whatever he fancies. I will definitely vote for him if he becomes a politician. Enjoy your prime year with you loved ones and friends. Cheers!

  13. This what I always believe after start reading Mr. Tan blog that he can retired in comfort. The reason that he has chosen this path should not be doubt as I also believe there is good man like. Please give our society a chance. Please do not always think that when ever some body doing some thing for free there is always a motive behind. The motive could be always be love and care and believe in returning good deed to the society where we live in.

    G C Tham

  14. i am going to say, rather repeat something that i believe the blog owner had HAD HAD BEEN trying to bring across.

    Lets get on and focus on this financial fiasco FIRST THINGS FIRST.

    the rest are secondary, IF they are even secondary.

  15. I agree with Calvin. By staying out of the political ring, Mr Tan will alway be remembered by all as the one who tirelessly stood up for ordinary people when no "elite/public figure" came forward. He did it not because he has to, but because he wants to.

    Thank you Mr Tan!

    HL Tan

  16. Mr. Tan,

    Thank you for leading NTUC and for bringing us good value for money insurance policies and many other services that I could not imagine an insurer can provide. Your work is greatly appreciated by policyholders and my many friends and neighbours. We have not forgotten how you transform NTUC Income and the many conveniences that you brought to us.

    Although I have not bought any mini bonds, I am very impressed that you stand for the investors in this difficult period.

    I wish you success in all your endeavours and you will have my support in all the things that you wish to do for Singapore and for all Singaporeans.

  17. I wouldn't mind voting for him. At least he dares to speak up for the people--even if it may mean offending the authority.

    I admire his guts.

  18. Just wondering could it be conspiracy theory in the making?

  19. Can Tan Kin Lian post his proposals on the web so that we know what kind of person we are voting for?

  20. Should Mr KL Tan decides to stand for election in future, I hope those who think highly of him will step forward and help him. No point saying all the good things and then stay at the sideline when it matters.

  21. Stand for election as a MP and speaks for ordinary people. Singapore needs someone like Mr. Tan.

    I will vote for you or your party if you stand for election.

  22. Mr Tan Kin Lian is a very good and righteous man. I vote you to be president!

  23. Political or not that isn't really important. What's really important is your heart and I think you, Kin Lian, has a very good heart!

    You will come across many nay-sayers 9I think you already know) but do not let anything dampness wet you or get you down.
