Friday, November 21, 2008

Social grace in commenting in other people's blog

I wish to thank Everlearning for this comment in my blog:

Hi Mr. Tan
Coming back to this blog ..... (I was shocked) to read some unhappy comments. As a guest, I have no rights to impose my host in whatever way in his house. I suppose bloggers have to exercise some discreet and courtesy when commenting in other people's blog. This is social grace.

I have received several personal attacks and sarcastic comments by people posting anonymously or under a false name. They expect their comments to be published here in the name of "presenting the other view". I expect these people to use their real identity, if they wish their contrary views to be posted.


  1. Dear Mr.Tan,

    I agreed with your views. I suggest you reserve the legal right for those people who gave personal attacks.

  2. Hi Mr Tan,

    You are the voice of us, i truely respect you for all the things you have done for us without getting PAID. Please countine to help the invester.

  3. Let me read some irony in this

    Many had said pple on this little red dot dont speak up

    When they do, they are blamed for being staying behind a smoke screen

    So those who dare offer their identities, had to either speak the nice, or speak the right or risk being a subject of some smear campaign

    End up eventually no one with the right mind would speak of the not nice and the not right, even they might mean of the best intention, be it directly or inadvertantly, ie a parent caning a child

    End up everyone goes back to staying hush about whats not nice, whats not right, so some are doomed to repeat the mistakes, the flaws, the loopholes no one COULD discuss about, past and present

    Brilliant Vicious Cycle of Victimisation.
    The one thing that the Internet was set up to take down.

    There, Irony.

  4. I guess neutral comments or those praising the blogger is OK ?

    Since blogpsot is american - i guess the 1st Amendment applies to this web right ? It is an open website, otherwise, make it a members only website !!

  5. Kin Lian,

    These are all diversions to keep you off focus on your main task.

    Suggest not to be too overly concerned over them but keep straight to the challenges ahead.


  6. Mr.Tan,

    These peoples who had critized you could be from your previous industry,who had worked with you formerly.Just ignore them,you cannot please everyone.Just be responsible in your comments will do.

    ICE-cream man

  7. Mr tan,

    Those shameless people (or animals) attacked you are all have ulterior motive under someone's instruction. Just ignore them. They will have their retributions.


  8. To be frank: what does one expect to happen when the minibond scandal broke. Two things for Singaporeans: Number one,carry on as usual shut up and let us tell you waht to do. We will be impartial but in the meantime don't rock the boat. However let us tell you that you are likely not to get any of your investments back. Number two make some noise and have a few protests and demands for explanation. But, if these threaten to get out of hand then we slap down first by discrediting the chief voice, the organizar and then the rest will keep quiet. So heads I win, tails you lose. But don't say that ypu do not have a choice.

  9. I agreed with what Johnson had said.

    Now, everyone (Tan and the investors) must cooporate together.


  10. May I ask is there any residents from Boon Lay?
    Would you like to share the service of the MP and the staffs of the CCC?

    Recently so many poor and needy residents there comment that the MP, CCC staffs and the RC volunteers did not do any home visit for the poor and needy families. It was very difficult for the residents to apply for any financial helps from the CCC or South West CDC. Some of the residents even complain that it was very hard for them to see the MP.
    There was one time that the MP conduted a meeting with the residents but she was late for two hours. All the residents were very angry.

    On 17/11/08 there was a poor and touching family case on TV8. The MP didn't even visit this family.

    Every Monday 8pm-9pm on TV8.There is touching real life story show to you. I noticed that some of the cases are from Jurong.

    One of the needy family told a volunteer that someone from South West CDC called up twice and told the family must be careful on how to say when interview by the TV cos South West CDC had helped this family a lot. But, the real thing is that none of the help from South West CDC. But the temple is very nice to the needy family here.The temple provide financial help the these families.

    One of the resident went to Jurong East to seek help from the MP Mdm Foo but was told to seek help from his own MP at Boon Lay.The resident said to Mdm Foo that she was being rejected and felt helpless that's why she went to Jurong East.

    If there is no improvemen of the social services from Boon Lay and South West CDC, I am sure it will affect the reputation of PAP. Also, it will affect the result of the PAP election.

    This coming Sunday, one of the minister is coming to visit Boon Lay. I hope that the staffs of the CCC or volunteers of RC will not stop the residents to voice out to the minster directly.

    If you are the residents of Boon Lay, pls speak up your mind.

  11. First find out if yours a Walkover Estate (or Good Potential to be Walkover Estate)

    If yes, then no difference liao.

    Worse, Talk some more means Less some more.

  12. Mr Tan, being working with you for 12 years, I understood your kindless in helping people/staff/sales force. Not too concern about -ve voices. Cheers!!!
