Thursday, November 20, 2008

Straits Times deleted these sentences

The Straits Times Forum editor published my reply to Chua Sheng Yang but deleted the following sentences:

I can only recall the saying, “None are so blind as those who will not see the truth”.

Mr. Chua made a personal attack on my character in the last three paragraphs of his letter. I am surprised that your newspaper found it fit to print these unsubstantiated remarks, as they are not relevant to the main issue. I shall not respond to them.


  1. Mr Tan,

    As expected, ST, being very close to the PAP, always censors.

    I am not surprised that they allowed Mr Chua to attack you personally, but disallowed you to say your piece about his attack.

  2. Journalist and newspaper suppose to be the champion of the truth.

    My guess is CEOs of FIs and Editors of newspaper have sold their conscience to the highest bidder.

  3. Just as you choose not to publish some responses, ST have the right not to publish what they consider as irrelevant.

  4. Of course ST edit or censor forum letters. Sometimes they even do it to the extent that it totally changes the whole thrust or intent of the letter.

    Have you seen the TV ad where a tennis coach told the father of a boy he coached that his son was a "good" player? simply by removing the "not"!

    It seems the Internet is the only place to have balanced reporting. What a sad state of affairs for 1st world Singapore and Guinness Record leaders' pay.

  5. on the contrary

    one can also feel appreciative the fact that one's submission is MOSTLY published, i mean how many of the pple here their submission actually goes thru

    if not, it wont even go on air, not a single letter.

    so its like no fish, prawn also can la

  6. Perhaps you have to pay to advertise your reply. Uniquely Singapore. Right of reply only to some privilige party.

  7. Opps! All the banks are customer of SPH, how can SPH afford to offend the customers???

    They will loose future biz, the shareholders will suffer due to lower profit, then management want to please shareholder, and suggest reduce headcounts, then singapore's employment rate lower abit, then the headline will report, 'Singapore recession deepens and leads to retrenchment of SPH'

  8. Mr Tan, will you consider sending the same letter to "Today" for publication? If this is published without any deletion, then the readers and the public will see the full picture. Otherwise the readers and the public may have the impression that you are not answering to Mr Chua's personal attack.

  9. Why do you think our reporters are so highly paid? Let's not forget SPH is a monopoly here. Is it really talent when you find some reporters making simple grammatical mistakes? It's a simple strategy to pay them so well that they know they can't get elsewhere, and you get a reporter who knows what to write and what not to write.

  10. This is NOT unexpected. The Straits Times is well known for printing letters, censored and not reflecting the full reply, distort this to create a different perception of the reply. They have, conveniently a disclaimer that they can censor what they publish. In the case of publishing the incomplete response of your letter, the purpose if perhaps to give the perception to the reader, without knowing the full reply (especialy those not internet friendly) that you have NO response to the ludicrous and unstatntiated remarks on you and further reaffirming these. In simple words, putting the nail to the coffin.

    It is important to address the issue of the unsubstantiated remarks and bring the Chua toad to court for defaming you, and also the Straits Times as the co-defendant.


  11. Mr Tan, I think you should sue Mr Chua Sheng Yang for defamation.

  12. ST is horrible, only side govt..only wan blow things up. Mr tan, you have MY support."None are so blind as those who will not see the truth."..Good! Don't mess with the media,its a very powerful tool. Instead, Mr Tan, continue to stand for the righteous.condemn the evil. you'll be rewarded!You are in your golden yrs yet you stood by these helpless people..for months! I admire you from the bottom of my heart.

  13. Dear Mr.Tan,

    It was sad to learn that ST deleted some of your sentences.
    But, it's also a good chance for you to make use or your blog to let us know the truth. You are the editor of this blog.Thus, don't need to see the face of the editor of ST.

    Be your own editor and write and publish of what is truth.
