Saturday, November 22, 2008

Writing to your Member of Parliament

You can find the name and contact of your Member of Parliament from this website:

You can meet your MP at the weekly meet-the-people session.

Your MP came forward to be elected to work for the people, and has the duty to represent the people. If you have any problem, you can see your MP. You should expect your MP to carry out his duty in looking after your interest (provided that your interest is legitimate).

If several of your neighbours share a common problem, you should see your MP together.


  1. "Meet the MP" is just another compulsory routine work process of the MPs. Being so, this can become another "go through the motions" exercise of case by case and may even be seen as a "chore" for them. Remember some even publicly stated that they were "reluctant" MPs. Unlike Mr Tan's rallies where he do so out of his own free will.

    In the absence of an overall comprehensive framework to help the needy and distressed, the success of the above may just be a PR exercise. Just like "a few" Minibond and what not victims were compensated. And folks may even feel disillusioned about the whole thing after a few rounds.

  2. "In the absence of an overall comprehensive framework to help the needy and distressed...[everything] may just be a PR exercise."

    Head of the Nail

  3. Why did not see any MPs come up and help the investors? Say something pls our dear MPs.
