Monday, December 01, 2008

Appeal to the President of Singapore

Dear Mr. Tan,

The government is also not supportive to the investors, even sacrifice the Town Councils $16 millions. Shall we appeal to The President of Singapore?

We conduct another petition which include the age of the investors, the amount invested and also the % of the investment compare to all their saving. To include the age is to let every Singaporeans and especially the government knows that those who are above age of 45 may not have another 20 or 30 years to accumulate the same amount of saving again. The % is to show every Singaporeans and especially the government that how important these amount of money is to us.

The few ten thousands that we have invested, though this maybe some people 1 or 2 months salary or the few hundred thousands that we have invested, though this maybe just a peanut to some people, BUT they are all accumulated by us, cents by cents, over many years of hard work and sweats.

The situation now is seems to be only the top down instruction from MAS/Govt will make FIs to compensate. These CDOs related credit –linked investments amounted to billions, it is definitely very difficult for the FIs to settle the compensation by themselves. (There may be more products bust.)

The MAS should hold some responsibility (approving these products) and thus the government should step in.


I wish to invite volunteers to step forward and lead this project. I need volunteers who are convinced that this is worth the effort.

I will not be able to handle this additional project, as I already have too many things to do.


  1. Makes no difference.

    Think carefully about our President who is where he is now today.

  2. Will our President have the time to look into this, I mean his schedule is already very busy with attending charity tea parties, holding babies and smiling for the ST photographers ?

  3. Thats not fair really

    You missed the overseas trips and hotel stays every now and then

  4. There is a smiling picture of him at Science Centre, just appeal to this picture and you will get the same effect.

    These petitions to government and government-linked people will all be useless. Let's just go ahead and sue. I rather drag all down than swallow the cheated money on my own.

  5. Trust me, Truth hurts.

    At this current stage without clearcut evidence or outright support from authorities, I dont think anyone at this point has the ability or the resources to drag anyone down.

    Thats just a nice illusion.

  6. Wayangnologist,

    I wish you will just shut up and get out of this blog to go back to yours which no one is interested.

    Wait till we start the class suit and you can see if we investors have the means to drag the banks/bokerages down.

  7. Investors get rushes of inspirations and bravados, especially during desperation.

    so i can understand how you feel. Cases might still be won or lost, I am but stating my honest perspective at this point.

    I have a personal recommendation, do take a look at the US movie, The Bucket List.

    Its about 2 seniors who has worked hard to build up their lives in their respective successful ways, only to find out they are inflicted with cancer.

    Instead of succumbing to the illness, they tried to fight it, first they tried denial, then tasted anguish, then soon they learn to accept it and eventually they even got some of the best and happiest times of their lives in the process.

    I am not saying this is what will happen but if possible do get to see it, perhaps just for a gist of perspective from other angles that might not went thru your mind. I personally find the messages the show is trying to bring across to be a very useful if not refreshing psychological healing tool. Not recovery, healing.

  8. Wayangnologist,

    "Trust me, .."

    We dun trust u. Smthing is very wrong with your analytical mind. Please kindly get out of our sight.

  9. Wayanologist,
    you are really a logy with your warped logy. You are no help from any perspective. At the best you are a screwed up.Don't sabo their hope . It is not hopeless if you know the truth but you don't know. Are you sent to sabo , to create confusion, to douse their enthusiasm? If you not contributing to the solution it is better that you vanish.

  10. i am giving a perspective no one else here is willing, or daring enough to speak up, not even your lawyer (whos billing you)

    a very likely prospect that Investors might have to bare the blunt of the 100% of the accountability in which they are least 50% responsible, something that anyone feeling 'victimised' would very much like (and eager) to deny

    so far, everyone just want to listen to good news (aka the Class 95 TV Ad) and as far all i can see are more proceeding bad news, its not illogical to predict or anticipate there will be MORE bad news isnt it

    is this how the RMs manage to rope in the Investors originally - they sweettalk them til they take those sweettalk as the truth they can trust??

  11. Wayangnologist,
    Just buzz off. We don't need you here

  12. Anonymous 5.27pm

    When u said We, do you represent the rest Anonymous 0.00am to 23.59pm

    I am sorry I sounded confused, becos I am.

  13. Quote
    Think carefully about our President who is where he is now today.
    ...from Wayangnologist

    That is gospel truth. Would one bite the hands that feed (elect) him?


  14. Why Thailand works, cos many poor people.

    Here many people are comfort living. Got job, got house to stay and got easylife.

    A few ten thousand people suffered is OK.

    Any schemes at the end will damange the plan as regional or global financial centre as a whole. Everyday they are arguing this point, and no conclusive ends...

    So While all here quarrel here, Our tops guns also quarrel among themselves to find a way out.

    they said ' Pai sei' solution?

    I am sure a good solution is on the way.
    In a 3 dimesion complex algebra, you need time to derive the ultimate results. It must make all parties happy.

  15. 3 dimension complex alegebra works because the rules of mathematics follows according to rigid and well defined laws. In the minibonds issue we hve crooked bankers who twisted the laws and find deviant ways around it.
    Secondly our president or government is not so keen to solve problems for the sake of solving problems like a real scientist do. They do things to see what benefits themselves most being human beings. So it is very difficult to be optimistic, unfortunately.
