Thursday, December 04, 2008

Class action - update as at 4 Dec 2008

I wish to give an update to the notebolders (i.e. the investors of the credit linked notes).

1. About 200 notebolders have appointed a specific lawyer to act in the class action. I am meeting this lawyer to discuss his approach and the possibility of involving an experienced senior lawyer to fight the case in the high court.

2. A separate group of noteholders have approached several lawyers. They advised that a "test case" be used to take a case in high court. This group is likely to recommend a lawyer and to present the proposal to the noteholders in January 2009.

3. I have approached two senior lawyers to study the possible defects in the prospectus and pricing statement and to obtain an opinion from a Queens Counsel from the UK. A recommendation is likely to be made in January.

I hope that the investors will wait until February to decide on the strategy for the class action. It may be possible for two or three class actions to be pursued separately for the differtent types of notes.


  1. once court case applied, Bank license should be SUSPENDED.

    What you all say?

    When borrowers default loans, his/her ife are so miserable. Reversely now, depositors suing the banks, what fair games?

  2. "It may be possible for two or three class actions to be pursued separately for the differtent types of notes."

    Thats 5 million PER class action

    the lawyers are having a field day

  3. Finally... Justice is commencing!

    Just do it!

  4. "Blogger Chan J C said...

    Finally... Justice is commencing!

    Just do it!

    3:31 PM"


    i know you might WANT to take this the wrong way but

    Justice and Seeking Justice are different proceedings with different outcomes

  5. Kudos to TKL and those who organized the respective noteholder groups to fight for justice. I think the development of the toxic structured investment saga is now moving towards the right direction. Using the test case method seems the best way that will not use up too much of our resources and make the case more strait forward. Once the proceedings is commenced, I believe millions of people here and overseas will focus their attention on this issue. Let's do it!
    Thanks again Mr Tan!

  6. I know Mr Tan KL post that about 200 note holders have commmited to one lawyer to fight the court case is based on one person's postings on the blog. I am not sure who that person is and if his posting is accurate. I attended the minibond meeting with a large group of affected people. From what I know, very few people have actually committed to the lawyer in question. In fact I got an email from a minibond group member stating that the lawyer in question has been ruled out. Just want to make sure that the facts are right so that people don't make the wrong decision and commit too fast since this is going to be a very important decision - which lawyer to go with. Thank you.

  7. I agree with Wilson. Test case is a better method whereas a class action is difficult as different investors bought the structured notes in different ways, the judge can throw it out of court citing technical breach. People in the legal industry I have spoken to says class action suit is weak in our case.

  8. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I know Mr Tan KL post that about 200 note holders have commmited to one lawyer to fight the court case is based on one person's postings on the blog. I am not sure who that person is and if his posting is accurate. I attended the minibond meeting with a large group of affected people. From what I know, very few people have actually committed to the lawyer in question. In fact I got an email from a minibond group member stating that the lawyer in question has been ruled out. Just want to make sure that the facts are right so that people don't make the wrong decision and commit too fast since this is going to be a very important decision - which lawyer to go with. Thank you.

    6:41 PM"

    i think a really important factor is precedence. Has anyone got any news of that compensated case someone mentioned

    "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I agree with Wilson. Test case is a better method whereas a class action is difficult as different investors bought the structured notes in different ways, the judge can throw it out of court citing technical breach. People in the legal industry I have spoken to says class action suit is weak in our case.

    6:44 PM"

    Without strong evidence, without impartial witnesses and without precedence, any case however way its fought will suffer the risk of more or less the same outcome...5 million legal fees or 50 dollar registration fees

  9. My sincere thanks to you Mr Tan for all your great help!!! You have my support to be the elected President and I have signed up the petition list. I will not know what to do if not for all your advice in this blog. I have been interviewed by the Bank and am waiting for an answer. a) May I know when is a good time to join the class action? b)Can I still join the 200 investors on the class action later after I know the Bank's response? c)Who is the appointed lawyer? This is an important matter and getting a good lawyer for the class action is real crucial. d) Will a test case be better or a Class Action be better? Once again, many many sincere thanks for your GREAT JOB in helping us!

  10. U.S lawyers work on a contingency fee; if you recover nothing, you pay no legal fees.

  11. Hello,
    you people think it is wise to have a test case first, but who is willing to pay the hefty fees while you people watch how the case revolves. Are you willing to be THE ONE? PLEASE THINK BEFORE YOU suggest.

  12. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    U.S lawyers work on a contingency fee; if you recover nothing, you pay no legal fees.

    10:59 PM"

    That said do you have ANY idea how much of a cut they get if you WIN?

    "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    you people think it is wise to have a test case first, but who is willing to pay the hefty fees while you people watch how the case revolves. Are you willing to be THE ONE? PLEASE THINK BEFORE YOU suggest.

    11:13 PM"

    Thats not a big issue, who pay the risk, who earn the risk, fair game

    anyway this pioneer fellow will have the full support of the Investors community behind him/her becos to them, he/she is the Icon of Hope

    that said, but i did consider ONE issue, what if he lost and no one dare step up next

    in that, he/she is MORE than a test case. He/She is actually the Make-Break case (least psychologically)


  13. "Justice" or "Seeking Justice"?

    Who cares!

    Win or Lose, I'll be happy going to my grave knowing I've tried my best to get justice!

    Bring it ON!!!


  15. With the help of Mr TAN KL and many self-less folks, at least there is progress on this saga.

    Going through the legal battle does not guarantee a win, but it is better than to sit back, doing nothing and accept whatever
    outcome determined by the FIs.

    Thanks so much Mr TAN KL and the self-less folks who are involved in one way or another.


  16. I am glad to know Mr Tan does not give up. THe newspaper is quite now for this saga. I thought people start to forgot our helpless suffers.

  17. I hope that all investors still withhold actions till Mr. Tan Strategy committe come up with the recommendations.

  18. i notice some 'Anonymous' postmakers are more 'Passionate' about throwing down legal gauntlets, at whatever the costs.

    This shows 'They' must certainly be very VERY Determined and the LEAST Fearful. They must also be very VERY Intelligent to be this confident that They will win.

    Could 'We' suggest these Passionate Crusaders as the first line of Test Cases

    Surely They could not decline to be a proud leading pack of a victimized Investors community.

    I give my full support They WILL NOT decline. Becos the First Mouse that put the bell on the Cat must be a Good Mouse, even tho He might be heading for his grave.

  19. If we set a cap of $5000 for 200 ppl its 1 Mil for the lawyer .That sound reasonable for the legal team to start with. Ofcourse more ppl is better. Also show we mean business.

  20. Indeed, thanks so much to Mr Tan and the selfless folks who have been helping and commenting in a constructive manner.

    MAS, despite being the central bank staffed with the brightest and most well educated elites, also need to spend huge $$$ to engage financial and legal consultants to untie the knot of Lehman Brothers minibond. I wonder how MAS would expect ordinary folks like us to understand the intricacy of such products and have invested in them with "opened eyes". LOL.

  21. Thanks, Mr Tan. Please help us pursue the legal option. I've ran out of patience with FI/MAS.

  22. By taking legal action, this may force the FIs to come out with a compromise, otherwise the FI will not take seriously the complaints by the investors. The legal fees will not come to 5 million as alleged by Wayangnologist. The figures quoted is way, way out. FIs will have to consider seriously the damage to their reputation should they lost the case and the disruption to their business during the hearings. Ordinary citizens will avoid banking or having any business to do with the relevant FLs being sued.


  23. Doing nothing is not an option if you still want your money back.

  24. ***That said do you have ANY idea how much of a cut they get if you WIN?***

    Its base on complexity of the case, normally is between 20% and 50% but its can be arranged in writing before hand. They are experienced investment fraud lawyers unlike some here who talk about money even before they open their mouth. What are their track records in investment fraud cases one must ask. Moreover they don't say they will discharge themselves without giving any reason.

  25. The biggest problem with class action is " too many people hence too many mouths'. Suggest let ONE person rep ALL, and handle the whole case with appointed lawyer.He communicate with the 200 odds, or whatever no. of investors, and as a sole rep of the class, decide with lawyer what to do, from start to end. The choice is obvious who that person might be?

  26. Latest minibonds development in Hong Kong - working to sue HSBC(USA)

    曾助安然事主索回561億 美律師行來港商集體訴訟 2008年12月5日



    涂謹申雖沒有透露該批美國律師的名字,但本報記者翻查資料,發現一家名為Coughlin Stoia的美國律師行,曾於2002年4月代表安然股東,以集體訴訟方式,入稟美國法院,控告安然集團曾經僱用的一大批投資銀行、會計師、董事和曾借錢給安然的銀行,指他們曾經直接或間接地協助安然欺騙股東,導致安然要清盤。結果在其後的6年裏,該律師行為安然股東追回72億美元的巨額賠償,並從中得到了6.88億美元律師費,創下了全球最高律師費的紀錄。



    與民主黨商討 稱已夠法律依據





  27. A group of US lawyers help HK investors to take the legal action :

    早报导读: 债事主拟告美汇丰

    曾助安然事主索回561亿 美律师行到港商集体诉讼

    (香港) (2008-12-05)



      涂谨申虽没有透露该批美国律师的名字,但本报记者翻查资料,发现一家名为Coughlin Stoia的美国律师行,曾于2002年4月代表安然股东,以集体诉讼方式,入禀美国法院,控告安然集团曾经雇用的一大批投资银行、会计师、董事和曾借钱给安然的银行,指他们曾经直接或间接地协助安然欺骗股东,导致安然要清盘。结果在其后的6年里,该律师行为安然股东追回72亿美元的巨额赔偿,并从中得到了6.88亿美元律师费,创下了全球最高律师费的纪录。



      与民主党商讨 称已够法律依据




  28. News from Hong Kong newspaper The Standard:-

    Minibond investors to sue HSBC
    (1 hr 5 mins ago)

    Lehman Brothers minibond investors plan to sue the minibond trustee, US-incorporated HSBC (0005), after Hong Kong banks postponed buying back the structured products.

    Peter Chan Kwong-yue, chairman of investors action group Allied Victims of Lehman Products, said the action group has been approached by US legal firm offering to represent minibond investors in Hong Kong filing the lawsuit.

    Meanwhile, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority has received 19,196 complaints concerning minibonds as at Thurday. HKMA today referred 21 complaints of alleged misconduct tied to Lehman Brothers financial products to the Securities and Futures Commission for possible action.

    STAFF REPORTER Friday, December 5, 2008 17°C 47%

  29. Not doing anything is a dead end. Minibonds, high notes and other CLN holders has been undergone talks, interviews, risk profiling etc etc, processes and procedures used by governmen and FI to tire everyone out, so that we give up. They even send their frens to the all blogs to talk down and discourage pple to start legal action.

    I think the best way is to start legal action in US where influence from local governmen is much lesser, and that lawyers in US have proven track record.....very much like what is reported in HK papers.

    There are some many of us, if we unite, we should have enough resources to go through the case.

    Mr Tan has demonstrated clear leadership, let's wait for his final recommendation first.

  30. Mr. Tan

    May I suggest you can help to post the article of "Minibond investors to sue HSBC" as a new posting?

    Thank you sir.

  31. for the possible Singapore "Class Action", will it be similar to the US way ? i.e. no up front fee until wins ? or: plaintiff pay a reasonable (fixed0 fee up front ?

    what is the singapore legal requirement on the fee?

    I would like to understand this. Thanks.


  32. I dont think that US system of lawyers and legal proceedings might fit well here, even if its allowed

    Class Action here is very very different from anywhere else

    The primary reason is simple.

    If a class action case goes thru and that case context is particularly intangible with the one of the key industries, the very one this island is trying to build AND STAKE a reputation on - Finance

    you can imagine the 'MANY UNDERLYING CONCERNS'

    so if the lawyers know thats a good chance it be thrown out at the FIRST sensitive conjuncture, do you think they will happily agreed to work on it and sit around waiting for a shared cut??

  33. Again HK are steps ahead of us. Let's follow our HK brothers and sue the FI/HSBC/MAS to recover our money
