Wednesday, December 24, 2008

SMS booking of taxis

Under the system for SMS booking of taxis, the taxi driver can wait on a side road after sending the SMS that the taxi is available. When a SMS is received, the taxi driver can call and talk to the customer while the taxi is still stationary.

If the taxi was moving when the SMS was received, the taxi driver can stop at a side road to make the call to the customer. The taxi driver does not need to make the call when the taxi is moving.


  1. Sorry, I know that this does not belong in this thread but want it to be at the top of the blog.

    The online citizen website has been suspended. This reminds me of what happenned in Malaysia recently when Raja Petra Kamaruddin's Malaysia Today website was also suspended for a period of time. This is utterly ridiculous censorship.

  2. SMS booking of taxi is a good idea though I have not tried it yet.
