Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Survey - choosing a place to live, closeness to facilities

If you have to choose a place to live, which facilities and amenities are most important to you, to be within walking distance or a short drive?

Take part in this survey:


  1. Just like FIs, Everywhere will try to sell something everywhere

    But not Everywhere will offer me the greatest reliability of the greatest potential of the greatest return on my investment

    If I have to choose a place to live, its quite obvious WHAT is most important to me, be it within walking distance or a short drive

  2. Short drive is out of question for people who don't drive.

  3. I am of the opinion the hawker centre with good food and competitive pricing is very important. At my residence, I am not happy with the limited number of food stalls, and non-competitive pricing partly due to increased demand from non-residents like church-goers, library and office workers including sales people and property agents.
    I had informed my MP about the under-capacity and lack of competition but did not get a positive response from him. He just told me HDB's policy is no new hawker centres will be built. I wonder if HDB can make a good decision for our residents and whether residents are consulted and have a say on such matters. Anyone out there can offer some insight on this matter? Thanks.

    By RTA
