Sunday, December 21, 2008

Survey: DBS Schroder LiveSure 2025 fund

If you wish to join Colin Ho in opposing the change to the fund and to reject the three options, take part in this survey:


  1. Is it right to go around rejecting products?

  2. It's not about rejecting the product; it's about whether they have the rights to unilaterally modify the product behavior. And as consumers, should we obediently accept or exercise our rights.

    If we start allowing banks and fund houses to alter product specs at these times, we're opening a flood gate where more will follow, and likely at the expense of consumers.

  3. DBS is a screwed up bank. Just cut loss and walk away.
    Don't waste your time with DBS anymore! Alter or no alter, their ultimate aim is to con more of your money.

    Don't waste time plse!

