Friday, December 26, 2008

Thought for the day - the world is a dangerous place

Contributed by Ho Cheow Seng

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." -- Albert Einstein


  1. Hi Mr Tan Kin Lian

    May I suggest that you revert your blog to financial and insurance matters as you have very efficiently done so for the past 1 year. All this minibond and lehman issues are grating on the nerves and will receive less and less support as time goes by, as these aggrieved investors leave your company one by one when they realise that the effort is futile. Without even looking for hard statistics, I am quite sure your blog's readership has declined in the past few weeks because of this.

    I enjoy reading your blog re the interesting articles and your insights into the financial and investing world. But please, do keep this lehman and dbs issues at a minimum. It is starting to sound like a broken record over and over again :(

    Thank You.

  2. example; MAS not taking action against the FIs and the salespeople.
    So evil is allowed to romp the market.

  3. Good article bc short message and maximum impact. I think the world is a dangerous place bc of man's GREED. The snake who wants to swallow an elephant for his lunch.

    MX wrote.

  4. The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, not because of the people who don't do anything about it, but because of people who are blatantly ignorant of the fact they assumed.

    They assumed the world is safe.

    They assumed people are not evil.

    Heck they even assumed they COULD do something about it.

  5. To 7:06AM,

    To those who are affected, the volume is not loud enough.

    The FIs and bystanders are hoping it will die out as soon as possible.


  6. Senor,

    The saying See No Evil,Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil BUT Understand EVIL!!!

  7. Holy Man,

    Satan now rules the World....The new World Order is all about GREED! Power, Pride, Arrogance, Merciless and Boh Chap Attitude!
    End Times is approaching so foget all the Riches and turn to the Almighty GOD. We are living in a Godless society!

  8. Never trust any FI.....Do your own research and and Dule Diligence. Trust your own Intuition !!!

  9. The world is also very selfish when one's interests is sidelined and not served because there are other more pressing issues.

    Mr. Tan, please continue with your writing and advice on the lehman and minibomb fiasco. God knows we need your wise counsel because there ain't any outside of your blog.
