Sunday, January 25, 2009

2009 - the year of the Bull

In 1985, when Singapore was in a recession, I presented a bull sculpture to Mr. Lee Hsien Loong, who was then the Minister of State for Trade & Industry.  I said "I hope that the bull will revive the stockmarket and the economy. " It did!

2009 is the year of the Bull. I hope that someone will send another bull sculpture to the Prime Minister.


  1. Mr Tan,why should someone, pls you send one bull to PM.

    Happy New Year & Gong Xi Fa Cai Mr Ran

  2. I already gave away my bull. Now, someone else can find another bull to give to PM. Happy New Year.

  3. i think he has enough ...bull.

    he needs to face reality.

  4. Looks like he got the bull already. It is time he gave back the bull to the people of Singapore.

  5. Mr Tan, how about one more bull for him :D

    Happy New Year

  6. I would suggest giving a statue of Guan Yu, to signify righteousness.

  7. There's a possibility the worst is over for the stock market. Housing inventory in the US peaked in Aug and will rapidly move down in the spring selling season. Banking assets will hence faced less pressure and may even begin to rise by the second quarter. The credit cycle will then ease. Coupled with the upcoming stimulus plan the stock market looks likely to rally into the 2nd quarter. Employment is a lagging indicator and will take some time to recover. Best wishes to everyone in the year of the bull at least in the 1st half. TT

  8. This is a castrated bull. Be assured that it won't charge and rage and cause a lot of uncertainties.We have enough of it already.
    The ox is more subdued, toiling hard and giving slow and steady upsides.
    This is good.
    I wish everyone a prosperous OX year.


  9. A castrated bull is an Ox.

  10. If you look at the various indices, whether they're S&P500, Straits Times Industrial or Shanghai's, the fall has been arrested and now they're moving sideways. It seems like the markets have fully accounted for all the bad news and now they're consolidating.

    Of course, this does not prelude that the stock markets will not crash again in the near future.

  11. Happy Lunar New Year to you , Mr Tan.
    They said that the bull this year is of Earth, hoperully this bull is of practicality and diligence.

  12. Er, ox is castrated bull. So 1985 must be abberation.

  13. Just because Adrian in his blog did some reading up on Wilkipedia does not mean that it is correct.
    Ox is the common term while Bull is male and cow female.

  14. Wrong, Anon 7.09 pm, not from Wikipedia.

    Waz yr source? Mine was from Brittanica.
