Saturday, January 31, 2009

Survey: Democracy

Ho Cheow Seng wishes to help me to educate people about values and character. He has written this article about democracy.
Participate in this 
Here are the


  1. We published his article in full here.

    If Mr Ho objects, please let us know and we will remove it immediately.

    Thank you.

  2. "In other words, the speed with which Democracy may be implemented will be depend upon a people's capacity for learning."

    yes, but you support a system that impedes learning. to be more precise, a system that keeps people...immature so that they can be easily governed

    evolution yes but are we evolving into some kind of sub species in a controlled environment?

    and revolution is not all that bad either from a historical perspective.

    maybe we should consider...starvation instead?

  3. I have not read the article, but I know five power full question that can test democracy.

  4. by the people
    of the people
    for the people

  5. I share the views and concerns that people should be educated about political values on democracy.

    Political leaders should not preached and prevent the political systems from growing and developing into a more matured state in democracy, particularly if they themselves are afraid of "CHANGE".

    This is my letter published in Today paper (Nov 19, 2008).

    We are already witnessing "CHANGE" in the US. In describing the "height of irresponsibility", President Barack Obama on Thursday called it "shameful" that Wall Street workers received more than $18 billion in bonuses in 2008 while their firms were receiving taxpayer help.

    If we are afraid to change, democracy might fall back to "DEMONcracy".
