Saturday, January 17, 2009

Difficulties faced by migrant workers

The Online Citizen has many stories of migrant workers who faced a difficult time in Singapore. There is a racket where the migrant workers were misled into paying a lot of money to come to work in Singapore for jobs that did not exist.

While Singaporeans complain about losing jobs to migrant workers, we should also spare a thought for these workers who borrowed a lot of money to come to work in Singapore. In some cases, they were cheated by people who made money from them through scams. 

I hope that the Government will put a stop to the exploitation of the migrant workers.
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  1. I'm more concerned about the morality of Singaporeans. Specifically at the ways they use to make money.

    Doesn't people realise that if they make money legally and ethically, they can earn any amount they want?

  2. Mt Tan,
    The link is wrong. It brings viewers to a different site.
