Friday, January 09, 2009

Keeping seniors at work

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong spoke at the Reinventing Retirement Asia Conference organised by the Council of The Third Age. He urged “no let up in keeping seniors at work”. He said that outmoded social attitudes and systems have to change, and that seniors should continue to work beyond the customary retirement age. 

I agree.

Read the rest of the article here:


  1. I also agree with Mr. Lee. This is exemplary leadership! And the senior Mr. Lee can attest to it and is leading by example.

    I think if one can work, why not? What is the worth of one's life, if not to contribute back to society?

    Live to work, work to live.

    Well done, Mr. Lee!

  2. Leave it to market forces. Or what other forces?

    These forces will decide whether you will be paid $1 million a year or $600 pm. Or whether you will be retrenched (or retired) at 40 or will still work at 85 and with millions per year.

    Unless the gahmen employ these old people directly. Nothing said by ministers or laws enacted will change anything if the system is shaped by an open economy (free flow of capital, "foreign or cheap talent) like Singapore.

  3. If you reach retirement age and your savings is sufficient to meet the high cost of living, but you choose to continue working because you want to keep yourself occupied, then you are very fortunate.

    If you reach retirement age but your savings is not sufficient to meet the high cost of living, and therefore you have no choice but to continue working, then this is very sad indeed.

    I wonder which scenario PM has in mind.

  4. Say one thing, but do the opposite.
    Talk is cheap. Who believe??

  5. Still working at theage of 65?????? I hope I am not one of them. I have a lot of things to catch up. pursuing my interest that was deprived off when i was younger. working hard , raising children and ensuring steady flow of income is hard enough. what else do you want a 65 years old man to do? Give him a break!!!
