Monday, January 19, 2009

Stop cheating

Read this article.


  1. In UK (and possibly other countries), most retailers have a goods return policy allowing customers to return their purchases if they find it unsatisfactory, subject to certain conditions.

    This practice, hardly present in sg, may be a good mechanism to enforce honesty among retailers and build confidence in consumers.

  2. If you take a profile of the victims of cheats. They are ignorant old folks, less educated, the poor, the man in the street type.
    The cheats are the insurance agents , the RMs, the time share salesmen.
    Now in Singapore we have another problem, the poor foreign workers, victims of employment agents.
    Profiles of these cheats.
    Greedy , unscrupulous, conscienceless,unethical and wicked.

  3. insurance agents cheat to qualify for mdrt cot tot.
    Rms cheat to buy posh cars and condos
    foreign worker agents cheat to live in posh houses
    property agents cheat to get more money
