Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Intelligence Quiz


The famous scientist, Albert Einstein, was reported to have created a puzzle involving 5 houses in different colours, occupied by five different nationalities, drinking different beverages, keeping different pets and smoking different brands of tobacco.

 It took me half an hour to solve the puzzle. I found it fascinating. I searched the bookstores for a book containing many puzzles of the same type. There was none.

 I finally decided to publish a book containing many puzzles, with different degrees of difficulty. The book of puzzles will be available in the bookstores in February. Retail price: $7.90.

 When I introduced the puzzle to children and adults, they were fascinated with it.  Parents will find the puzzles to be excellent for training their children on logical thinking.

In the next few pages, you will find sample of the puzzles in my book. The quizzes are identified according to the following levels of difficulty:

Easy (4 houses, 9 clues)
Moderate (5 houses, 15 clues)
Difficult (6 houses, 20 clues)

The answers are shown in the last page. You can learn the technique to solve the quiz in my book. It is also available here:

If you wish to order 5 copies of more of the book at a special price of $5 per book, you can send your order to Postage is free for delivery within Singapore. Payment will be by credit card or PayPal.

I am able to print a customised version of the puzzles for corporations wishing to provide this book of puzzles to their clients. It can feature the products of the corporation.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. i thought many of these type of logic puzzles can be found on the internet.

  2. That's right. Everything is found on the internet. But for some things, even if found, you don't know whether it is true or good.

    But for logic puzzles, definitely you will know.

    The print media is now obsolete and maybe going the way of the dinosaur soon.

    Mr Tan, I think your book may not sell well if you publish my comments. But then I hope you are not thinking of making money from the book.

  3. This is my reply to 8:06 PM.

    Do not try to appear to be too smart in giving your views. Nobody knows the outcome. I prefer to try the market and see if it sells.

    Your guess is as good as anybody else. Do not give your opinion as if you are an expert. Even experts are more modest in giving their views.

  4. Hi 4:02 PM
    Can you search the internet and pass me some of the puzzles? I searched before, and only got the Einstein puzzle. The other puzzles are not available .. at least not so easy to find.

  5. Interesting puzzles! :)

  6. Mr Tan, I am Anon 8.06pm

    Sorry that I offended you. I am not expert or really smart, just a bit exaggerated and cheeky.

    Rest assured, no more such comments from me to your blog.

    Other readers may wish to take note of this as well if they wish to make similar comments in future.

    Wish you the best for your book.

  7. you should check out

    Professor Layton and the Curious Village for nintendo ds

  8. Mr Tan

    here are some links. I have a book of puzzles with plenty like these which i bought from the duty shop @ dubai airport. They are actually termed "logic grid puzzles" because a accompanying grid template (3x3, 4x4, etc) comes with the question. If you do a search on Google or Yahoo with the search string ("logic puzzle" +grid) you will get quite a few links too.

    Hope this helps!







  9. Mr Tan,
    Thanks for the wonderful books... i've got both of it now...after trying it on the Sunday Newpaper..& glad to tell u that i've completed book 2 (which i got it first) within few days... it's addictive...
    Hope to see more of your quiz books in store soon.

  10. I wanted to ask, if I want to buy your quiz books, am I require to pay the posatage charge? The link says that I will need to pay for the postage fee unless I buy stuffs over $30.
    However, the link says that postage is free for address in Singapore.
