Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Thought for the day - OB markers

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum."

-- Noam Chomsky (1928- ) Institute Professor Emeritus of Linguistics

Contributed by Ho Cheow Seng


  1. it is like boxing within the ring. it is for entertainment. Entertain who? you know who, lah

  2. OB markers exits through civilised societies since civilisation began. They're know as laws. Yes, laws are the ultimate OB markers, don't steal, don't rob, don't rape, don't murder etc.

    In modern context, OB markers are extra-legal, i.e. words or actions deemed to be undesirable but difficult to legislate. For example, inter-racial and inter-racial harmony. Is it really possible to pass a law so that Buddhist must not criticise Muslim or Muslim must not criticise Christian? Where to draw the line of legal or illegal criticism?

    So, OB markers are just there to warn, that it's a blurred line, cross at your own risk. And be responsible too, perhaps not only at your own risk, but also risking other collateral damages.

    However, in the context Singapore, it may be overused by the Government to keep citizens quiet from being frankly critical of government policies in good faith.

  3. "The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum."

    On the contrary

    I feel the really smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to make them really believe THEY ARE ALREADY PROUDLY RECOGNIZED, SUCCESSFUL ACHIEVERS ON TOP OF THE WORLD WITH EVERYTHING TO RISK.

    Their Pride coupled with the insistent Fear of Risk will keep these people huddled together, thinking Everyone and Everything else IS beneath them, that its always someone else problems to suffer, if not, to resolve THEIR own problems.

    This, is a twisted form of Selfishness under the shade of Absolute Power.

    This is MACBETH at its best.

    So anyone up for tea?

  4. Please edit the previous comment.

    It should read "Machiavellian", not Macbeth.

  5. Are we really very successful and have a lot to lose? Take a visit to other countries and see for ourselves. Many countries are very successful in many respects, but they do not constantly drill this to their citizens' head or advertise it all over the place
