Monday, January 19, 2009

Tips - what to avoid

1. Never invest with borrowed money
2. Never invest from a marketing company (e.g. time share, land banking, etc)
3. Never invest to get a free gift (it comes from your own money)
4, Nver invest in something that is too good to be true (it is!)

Read this article about Storm Financial.


  1. Other than the commission and the salary of the ceo and their senior management,
    Who pays for the incentive trips of the insurance agents?
    Who pays for the free gifts that you get from buying an insurance product?
    Who pays for the agents'meeting place at posh hotels?
    Who pays for the winning and dinning at posh restuarant?
    Who pays for the trips to gold coast?
    Who pays? Who pays for this and that?
    Now look at what you get in return for paying all those stuffs.
    1.Is your cash value of your whole life decent? 4%? 5%?
    No!!!! miserable 2% after donkey years, more than 3/4 eaten by inflation. Are you saving? NO!! you are paying for those people high living.
    2. Is protection from these products you bought enough to give you peace of mind?
    No!!!!! you are walking with a time bomb ticking..under insured!!
    Who has the peace of mind? Your insurance agents and their family.
    Consumers, cost has a lot to do with what you get . The higher the cost the lower the return and protection. Insurance is about protection and saving is about accumulation...if you pay more then you get less....common sense. it is not rocket science to understand the relationship.
    Now , tell me who pays for the frolicking on the beach, at the wine bars, at the resturuant , at the posh 7 star hotel?
    YOU! YOU! YOU!!

  2. Hi,
    I believe not all land banking companies are bad. Walton has been around for many years while Land Wealth Centre just won the Asia Enterprise Award. My advice: Do your homework before you invest.
