Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Value and character

I teach a course in Singapore Management University.

Apart from the syllabus of the course, I like the students to learn some values and tips that will be useful for them to cope with the challenges of life.

I will share some of the values that guide my character. I hope that these values will be useful as a guide to the students. 


  1. I've read through the pdf article. Indeed it's a useful guide. But for it to be adopted by anyone, the person must keep those principles in mind everyday.

    Those are timeless principles.

    I recommend everyone to read also The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill. It's the book that almost all self-help books refer to, or base their principles on. In fact, it should be made compulsory readings in secondary schools.

  2. Mr Tan,

    Nothing mentioned in the link. Where are the values and tips listed?

  3. Mr. Tan , it is timely that people be reminded of values. There is no honesty in the world today.Look at the events unfolded , you know what i mean. Money indeed is the root of evil and not necessary the love of it. From the insurance agents , RMs to businessman , ceos and to ministers etc they are at the expense of the public and consumers. Conscience used to be the guide but now ? I wonder where it has gone. They say animals have no conscience but they have instincts only. Human have more and they commit evils not by instinct by sheer premeditation.
