Saturday, February 07, 2009

Challenges faced by alternative parties

Here is my speech given at the Forum organised by the Singapore Democratic Party.

Here is a video recording of my speech. Source:  The Online Citizen.


  1. I read with interest your Speech made at the Forum organized by SDP. No doubt, it highlighted several interesting issues. I do feel that the opposition can do more play in effective role in Parliament and to educate the people.

    However, I do take issue with one claim that you made, that the 'middle ground' of Singapore 'wish to see a viable alternative to run Singapore'. I do not believe this is true (perhaps I am wrong). I believe, sir, that you are not one who will make baseless claims. Please show, if you have them, some evidence, figures, proof that your claim is true.

  2. Mr Tan,

    You have a compliment from blogger "yawning bread" as follows:

    "I'm not sure how to categorise Tan Kin Lian, who shot to fame last October speaking up for those who suffered from the unethical selling of minibonds, but he probably gave the most thoughtful speech."

    Read his website for the rest of the article.

    I like "yawning bread" 's blog because he wrote analytical and sharp comments on issues of the day. He is even courted by the mainstream media for comments.

    So he is not just any blogger.

  3. I would think the challenge faced by the alternative parties is mainly within itself.
