Sunday, February 15, 2009

Forum for DBS High Notes 5 investors

DBS High Notes Investor Group (HNIG) will be holding a Forum to discuss legal options.

Date: Wednesday, 18 Feb 2009
Time: 6.30pm Registration begins, 7.00pm sharp forum commences
Place: PSB Academy Delta Road Campus, 355 Jalan Bukit Ho Swee

For new comers, you must register with us at
For more information and to register, please email


  1. This good news for the frustrated HN5 investors. At last some action has started to really fight for justice and I wish all best of luck.
    I have invested in HN2 of which 3 entities within the 100-name CDO have been bankrupted and the notes are likely to fall down the cliff if 2 more bankrupcies occur. Is there any suggestion the HNIG can give to help this group of investors?
    The current action seems focusing on HN5 only.

  2. Great effort. See you guys on the 18

  3. Those who go to FIDReC, DBS is putting up a very very strong defence.
    Not many can win the FIDReC's adjudication process. We need to put our hope on class action.

  4. Forget about FIDrec, you will only lose more money and more importantly, your energy. Go for the class action. Only the court can deliver any help to the investors now.

  5. Is DBS using dirty and malicious tactics to trap the complainants during the FIDReC process? can anyone who has gone thru' the FIDReC process confirm this?

  6. Attn: HN2 investors,

    At this time, HNIG is focusing on the HN5 case. However, we invite you to join us.
    Please send an email to with subject heading: HN2 investor.


  7. HN2 investors need to fight on different ground. Suggest HN2 investors form a separate sub-committee to work out a fighting strategy. HN5's strategy may not be suitable for HN2.

  8. Aggree with you, Anonymous.

    It is very kind of HN5 HNIG to extend their hands of help to HN2 investors. However, HN2 and HN5 are under different situation and the pricing statements are also different.

    I am more than ready to see and to support a class action of HN2 if DBS dare to redeem it early and makes it zero due to the failure of the CDOs.

