Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Survey: How will you vote in the General Election (1)?

The hot topic now is the next general election, which may be held in 2009. How will you vote? Give your views in this survey.

Please pass the word around to your friends and invite them to give their views in this survey. I like to have many people to participate, so that the results can be more representative of the population.

Here are the survey results based on 206 replies. The results are quite close to the results based on 149 replies. This shows that the results are not affected by the size of the sample, provided that the initial sample is quite large (say 50 replies)


  1. Mr Tan

    Can you do a survey on the low attendance of MPs during Parliament sittings

    1) MPs think they can't contribute much as the Ministers have already done all the work
    2) MPs do not respect the respective ministers, so they do not attend
    3) MPs are busy with their own jobs and think they little of attending parlimentary sittings
    4) MPs knows that they will be elected as their constituents do not know whether they attend or not
    5) MPs expect the other MPs to attend
    6) MPs "bo chap"
    7) Others

  2. Actually I am curious as to how the PAP assess its MPs' performance. Regular attendance at Parliament sessions and speaking up and at Meet the people sessions (MPS)? Number of cases resolved during MPS?

    One thing I think is that the MP's job is assured for at least a few years. Why? Because govt is very unlikely to hold by-elections, even when an MP died, unlike in Malaysia.

  3. Good question. How are MPs assessed for their responsibilities? Definitely, there are guidelines to their appraisals. I am not sure this is open to public.
