Thursday, February 12, 2009

Minibond Seminar - February 2009

The Minibond Victims Group will be organizing a seminar before the end of February under the theme "Rejected Or Partial Compensation: What Do You Do Next?"

We are expecting a Senior Counsel to be present during the seminar. Further details of the date, venue etc will be posted in Mr. Tan's blog as soon as possible. We will also be sending email updates to all those who have registered with us .

Minibond Victims Group


  1. Thanks for the gracious effort!

  2. Thank! I think people almost forgot us but it is not.

  3. Will it cover those be rejected 100%?

  4. Minibond Victims Group - how do I register with you?

  5. Thank you very much for the arrangement. Action is better than words

  6. how do i register with you? i was rejected 100%.

  7. Any idea what is the exact date, time, and place?
    Non Singaporeans need some time to prepare for the trip.

  8. Mr tan

    My friend got offer of partial compensation and he asked me for advice: He invested 60K and the bank is offering to buy back 10,000 reimbursing him $12,000 cash and together with the past 24 months of interest payout amounting to almost $5K his total compensation comes to about 28%. The remaining 50,000 units would await the final distribution, if any at the end of liquidation by the trustees. He's been given two weeks to consider the offer or else appeal to FIDREC for redress. What's your advise?
