Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Service to lodge a complaint

Some investors of the credit linked notes received their rejection letter. They telephoned me for assistance. They have not read my blog or been in touch with the group leaders. 

I am not able to provide individual assistance to these investors. If you need assistance to lodge a complaint with FIDREC, you can contact Adrian Tan (email:

Adrian will charge you a small fee for the time that he has to spend to help you. You can discuss the fee with Adrian and decide if you wish to pay for his services.

You can also read my blog to get in touch with the group leaders for the credit linked notes that you have bought. If you wish to join a class action, you can read my blog for announcement of the meetings.



  1. Most people don't search or know how to search your blog, and contact you directly.

    May be you want to create a blog entry that is highly visible for such FAQ items.

    Edit your blogger settings. Create a link to this blog entry and put on your top right hand corner of this blog.

    If it is convenient and obvious enough. They will not email you, and use the FAQ.

