Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Earth Hour on Sat 28 March 8.30 pm

Support this call. Pass the word around.
EARTH HOUR: 28th March, 8.30pm - Sign Up. Switch Off. Make A Difference.


  1. Making a conscientious effort not to waste natural resources than to blindly follow such a call is my stand towards such movement.

    What has happened to the Green Movement of bringing your own bag? Not much emphasis on it nowadays, right? But, I conscientiously bring my bag every time I go grocery shopping.

  2. First i want advocate that I shall definitely support Earth Hour on this coming Sat 28 Mar. However, based on my observation, i would like to comment that what's the point of switching off on this day of the year whereas practically every working day we have to work even after 6 pm to achieve our KPIs which is tied down to our bonuses as set by boss. Just think about it, if you were to go back at 6 pm which is our regulated time (of course unless it is very urgent work.) don't you think we can even safe more electricity. Nowaday many workers are still working even after 8 pm. Don't you think that life is full of contradiction. On one hand we talk anout work life balance and save the Earh Hour etc.. but on the other hand we have to work very late.
