Tuesday, March 10, 2009

SCMP:Minibond blame for government

About 60 per cent of respondents to a Civic Party survey said the government had to share responsibility for the minibonds saga. Of 1,000 respondents, 72 per cent said the Monetary Authority and Securities and Futures Commission failed to make full reports of their bank investigations.

1 comment:

  1. Dear MR TAN
    Thank you for the survey. The results is obvious.

    My heart is gravely burdened, especially for the helpless ordinary folks:
    [1] MAS allow the structured products to be retailed
    [2] MAS allow misleading marketing brochure to be placed all over banking counters
    [3] MAS avoid direct handling of complaint
    [4] MAS announced that complaint handling was satisfactory when the complaints are in the thousands
    [5] MAS stood out against regime like Hong Kong which handles complaint DIRECTLY
    [6] MAS come out with the FUTURE guidelines which are ACTUAL OCCURRENCE of current complaints, which leaves the thousands past cases to struggle on their own

    Imagine you are being punched. MAS will set a new guideline that you could not be punched in the FUTURE. But as for your CURRENT bruises ... "too bad". It breaks my heart which yearns for compassion and justice.

