Monday, March 09, 2009

Tough Job Market

A first time job seeker said, "I am disturbed about threats from ridiculous employers during interviews. They said that this is an employer's market. Frankly, they are out to exploit fresh graduates with unreasonably low pay offers, e.g. $2.200 for 24/7 standby and plenty of unpaid overtime opportunities".

An employer said, "Our graduates are still not adjusting to realities. They still have high expectations".

Many businesses are finding it difficult just to survive. So, they cannot afford to pay high salaries. Even the businesses that are profitable are making lower profits compared to previous years. They are reluctant to pay high salaries.

What are your views? Survey.

Here are the survey results.


  1. Has anyone stopped to ask

    (1) If the employers at job fairs are really sincere about hiring?

    (2) Why are they hiring on one hand, and letting go of staff on the other?

    (3) What is the state of affairs in these companies that are hiring at the moment- would it be a case of hire now, let go later?

    My full thoughts here:

  2. Every action has a reaction. People shouldn't worry about these employers. The workers will leave them once the market is right again and the employers have to waste time looking for other workers. Cycle repeats for employer.

  3. ya, i guess it cuts both ways. when the market picks up, those companies may not be able to find any employee since it will be the employee's market.

    i guess its best for those companies that can afford it to keep their workers such tat in good times, they would still want to remain in the company.
