Monday, March 23, 2009

Survey: Politician Ratings

Who will you vote in the next general election? Survey.
Here are the preliminary survey results, based on 49, 112 and 178 replies. The latest rating has a more balanced distribution by age group.

Disclaimer. The people who participate in this survey do not reflect the population at large. This survey attracts a larger proportion of people who are unhappy with the Government.
It is more important to look at the relative ranking of the politicians in the PAP and the alternative parties.


  1. MR Tan,

    On election matters, ST 14/3/09 mentioned a bit about you.

    It also reported that you declined to comment when asked on whether you will be a candidate for the next election.

    A good and strategic response!

  2. We defined it as "Politicians' Rating".
    Read here
    Good move not to say about yours.

  3. I find it strange. How come these internet survey results are so different from actual past election voting results? I mean at every election PAP has the majority.

    Maybe someone can do a thesis on this anomaly.

  4. You should have included the other ministers such as Mah Bow Tan, Raymond Lim, etc.

  5. It is not strange at all. The reason is that internet savvy people are more widely read, more knowledgeable and worldly. They are often people who travel frequently and widely. Hence they have seen more and their views are more intelligent. Whereas the general population often stick to one source for news, the paper newspapers who are the mouthpieces of the incumbent party. So it is not surprising nor strange that they are voting for what they read, a caring and good government as the newspapers would want them to believe.

  6. For the sake of the people who read your blog,what is Mr.TKL scores??
    Can let us know where you stand?

    a retiree

  7. Reply to 2:56 PM

    The explanation is given in the disclaimer. The people who participate in this survey does not reflect the proportion in the population. It tends to have a larger number of people who are unhappy with the Government.

    It is more important to look at the relative ranking of the politicians in the PAP and the alternative parties.

  8. David, what strategic response are you talking about?

    It is plain to see that Mr Tan is interested in taking part in election as either MP or President..

    Mr Tan, why is your rating indicated as ??. What is your ratings?

  9. To Anonymous (15 March 3.50pm)

    Don't flatter yourself and generalise that internet savvy people have "views that are more intelligent".

  10. To Anonymous (16 March 10.48 am)

    I am not flattering myself. I am speaking the truth. If you do not feel that your views are more intelligent, you are probably right as you know yourself best.

  11. From the survey, the bigger the population, the lower the approval votes for the PAP members and the higher the approval votes for members outside the PAP group.
